European Exploration
Ming China
Japan Isolation
Ch. 19

They are the three "G's" and are considered the main reasons for European exploration

What are Gold, God, and Glory


He was a peasant's son, commanded a rebel army to drive out the Mongol forces, and began the Ming dynasty as the first emperor.

Who was Hongwu


They were warrior chieftains who became lords in Japanese feudalism

Who were the daimyo


This differently shaped sail was adopted from the Arabs allowed ships to travel into the wind

What is a triangular sail

They were the ones who sponsored or paid for the exploration of routes to Asia

Who are the Monarchs or Kings


He was a Chinese Muslim admiral who led all seven voyages of the Ming dynasty across the Indian Ocean. 

Who was Zheng He


He was a brutal daimyo who seized the capital Kyoto in 1568, his motto was rule by force. 

Who was Odo Nobunaga


He founded a navigational school in Portugal

Who is Prince Henry


This empire controlled incoming goods from the East to the West in the 1400's

What is the Ottoman Empire


These people came from Manchuria and conquered into China and the leader became the new Chinese emperor.

Who were the Manchus


this was a 5-7-5 syllable, 3 line verse poetry.

What is haiku


This European country was one of the first to begin explorations and ventured down the west coast of Africa. 

What is Portugal


This trade route was significant in spreading goods, spices, religions, and cultures from East to West. 

What is the Silk Road


China became a dominant power in Asia and the Indian Ocean under this dynasty.

What is the Ming Dynasty


The first Europeans to make contact in Japan came from here.

What is Portugal


This treaty was signed in 1494 Between Spain and Portugal and set the Line of Demarkation for the respective countries in which exploration boundaries were set. 

What is the Treaty of Tordesillas


Besides searching for more resources and wealth, Europeans also wanted to spread this religion to the East

What is Christianity

He was the son of Hongwu and became emperor after his father's death in 1398.

Who was Yonglo


This item traded to the Japanese by the Portuguese changed the way battles were fought. 

What are firearms


By 1600 this country had the largest fleet and was the leader in exploration and dominated the Indian Ocean trade. 

Who were the Dutch


The idea or theory that  nation or country needs to gain and maintain wealth in order to prosper and grow. 

What is mercantilism


After his seventh voyage, China stepped back from exploration and went into isolation.

Who is Zheng He


This religion was accepted at first but eventually, it was rejected and pushed out of Japan and its followers were persecuted.

What is Christianity


He was the first European to reach India by Sea

Who was Vasco da Gama