Causes and consequences of Exploration
Demand for Labor, Plantation Economy and Exploitation
European Goals and Outcomes
Ocean Trade
Compare Empires
Which technological advancements facilitated European exploration during the Age of Discovery? 

The Astrolabe, The Compass, The Caravel 


Name at least two cash crops grown in the Americas

Cotton, Tobacco, Sugar, Indigo, Rice


What is the short hand way to remember the motivations of early European Explorers (hint it start with a G)

3Gs, Gold, God, Glory


What role did the Portuguese play in the Indian Ocean Trade network? 

They were the OGs. They found the route around the Cape of Good Hope (Vasco da Gama). They also tightly controlled the trade (The Cartaz System)


Which country had the largest territorial land empire by the 1600s?



How did the desire for new trade routes influence European exploration? 

Europeans were trying to find a new trade route to India, The Spice Islands, and China. Explorers like Columbus and Magellan were trying to find a Western passage to these places.  


How did the plantation economy affect the demographics of the Americas

The demographics changed a lot. The native population went down a lot. The African population increased a lot. The European population increased as well. There was also blending of these cultures to make modern hispanic/latino culture. 


How did the outcomes of exploration differ between the Spanish and British? 

The Spanish grew rich quickly, but their empire weakened and feel apart over time. The British did not initially colonize as much as the Spanish, but in time grew a larger empire based on Maritime trade (especially Tea) that supplanted the Spanish.  


How did European involvement change the dynamics of trade in the Indian Ocean

Europeans came in and created forts in strategic port areas along trade routes in the Indian Ocean. They set up companies that monopolized trade in goods like spices. Europeans now did not have to pay high prices to Ottoman middlemen. This era put an end to the silk-road as a popular trading route. 


Describe, generally, the territories the Spanish Empire controlled in the Americas.

The Spanish controlled: The Southwest of the modern US, down to Argentina, minus Brazil on mainland North and South America. They also controlled many Caribbean islands.


What role did competition between European powers play in the causes of exploration? 

Each empire wanted to control the trade of spices, silk, porcelain and other luxury goods. If you controlled the trade you made money and you could expand your navy and army to further expand your empire and be the big dog in Europe. 


How did the Atlantic Slave trade contribute to the development of new religions?

Slaves brought their religions from Africa and mixed them with Christianity. These religions borrowed heavily from one another and helped slaves have hope in times of dehumanization. 


What were the economic outcomes for European nations after establishing colonies in the Americas? 

Mercantilism - take all the resources for themselves, slowly build their colonies (only to the level the colonies needed to be good exporters), disallow trade between the colonies to keep them dependent on the mother country for everything. 


What were some inventions, innovations, or important people that inspired the Europeans to explore the oceans? 

The compass (directions), Astrolabe (tell the latitude), The Caravel (bigger faster ship) Phillip the Navigator started a school for navigation. 


Identify key differences between the Dutch Empire and Portuguese Empire

The Dutch had a decentralized empire. They allowed private companies to become very powerful. The Portuguese still ran everything through their king. The Dutch also intermarried with locals whereas the Portuguese stayed separate. 


Explain the economic factors that led to the exploration of the Americas

European colonizers were looking for gold and other resource to export to their home countries (Mercantilism). There were also (joint-stock companies) of private investors looking for a return on investment so they looked to the colonies for that opportunity. Most importantly the Europeans were looking to cut out the middle man, their hated enemy the Turks. 


How did the Spanish encomienda system mirror the Incan Mit'a system?

They were both forced labor systems. Both forced workers into slave like positions in society (work a lot for no money). The Spanish saw the Incan system and decided to copy it. In the Mit'a system locals got protection from the gov't whereas in the encomienda system they did not receive such protections or privileges. 


Compare the goals of exploration for the Portuguese and Dutch

The Portuguese and Dutch were rivals in the spice market, slave market, and luxury good market. The Portuguese were the first to establish trade routes and benefited from being the first mover. The Dutch were the first to incorporate a private company in Asia (Dutch East India company), which made them very successful. 


What were the consequences of European dominance in Indian Ocean trade for local economies?

Locals were not treated well, taxed heavily and discriminated against. The Europeans established monopolies and only worked with certain select locals. What was once a thriving trade market was much smaller and controlled by Europeans. Some locals grew rich, but most others in the trade market became poor. 


Which empires were the "first movers" of the European age of Exploration? 

Which Empires were the "second movers" of the European age of Exploration? 

1st: Spanish, Portuguese

2nd: British, French, Dutch


Analyze the impact of diseases brought by Europeans on Native American Populations and how it changed American demographics. 

Native American populations suffered from diseases like smallpox, influenza, measles. This led to a dramatic population decrease amongst the native population. In turn, Europeans looked to African slaves to fill the gap as laborers. 


Explain how the Europeans benefited the most from the Triangular Trade.

They received raw materials cheaply from the Americas (b/c mercantilism). They turned those raw materials into consumer goods (textiles, guns, luxury goods) and resold them to the Africans (for slaves) and other consumers for money. They had the "value add" position in the trade and benefited greatly. 

The early Europeans wanted to explore the new world to: 1. Find a new trade route to India, Find Gold, and convert new people to Christianity. Evaluate how well they did on that. 

They found a route to India, but they also found so much more (North and South America). Some, like the Spanish, did grow wealthy, but they squandered that wealth on long European Wars. They did convert some people to Christianity but killed scores more than they converted in the process. 


Describe the impact of the Dutch East India company on Indian Ocean Trade.(hint: They had a company that was really influential) 

It was the first successful large private company to be established by Europeans in Asia. They dominated strategic ports in places like Malacca and Hormuz. They also had a military force and could sign treaties with local kings. They functioned like their own country in a way.


Explain why countries like England and the Dutch had such long term economic success in the colonization. Whereas, the Spanish and Portuguese had shorter and less impactful economic success. 

British and Dutch used private companies motivated by profits. They had their own armies and could function like a country. This made them dynamic and efficient. The Spanish and Portuguese were old school. All the decisions were made by the king and all the money went back to the king and his friends.