Vocabulary Terms
Columbus became a ____________ at the very young age of 15.
What is a sailor.
He is well known for his explorations and celebrated once a year.
Who is Christopher Columbus.
A positive impact that some European explorers had were______.
What is claimed new land, provide new information for maps, establish a settlement.
This spanish nobleman lead an expedition into what is now the southwestern United States in search of a city of gold.
Who is Franciso Coronado.
This country sponsored most of the European explorer's expedition to the New World.
What is Spain.
On August 3, 1492, Columbus left Spain with three ships, the ___________, _____________,__________ _______.
What is the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
Another name for Spanish Explorer
What is a conquistador.
A negative impact that some European explorers had was_____________.
What is spread contagious diseases and kill/harm Native Americans.
This French nobleman financed his own expedition up and down the Mississippi River Valley. He claimed land for France.
Who is Robert De La Salle.
What we organized our notes on in the hallway, is an organizer known as the ______________.
What is a matrix.
When Columbus reached land, he greeted friendly people and called them Indians, becuase____________________.
What is because he believed he had reached the East Indies.
Most Explorers were looking for a ________ route to _______.
What is faster/Asia.
All but two of the Explorers we studied, had this motive in mind when sailing out to sea.
What is find a faster route to Asia.
This explorer convinced the rulers of Spain that Asia could be reached by sailing west from Europe. Though he thought he had reached Asia, he actually made the first European land claims in the New World.
Who is Christopher Columbus.
Although, there are many more explorers, we focused on _____________.
What is Eight.
Columbus had two motives, what were they?
What is to find a faster route to Asia and to find gold and riches.
Many Native Americans were infected with ______ brought over from Europe by the European Explorers.
What are contagious diseases.
The most common impact that explorers had in North America was?
What is claim land for European countries.
This explorer was a merchant who convinced sponsors in England to support him as he looked for a new trade route to Asia. He never found the trade route, but he did make England's first land claims in North America.
Who is John Cabot.
Most of the European explorers we studied, went on ______________ voyage/s.
What is one.
Columbus has positive and negative impacts. Name one positive and negative impact he had.
What is claimed new land for Spain, provided information for new maps, spread contagious diseases, and harmed or killed Native Americans.
The name of the shortcut from Europe to Asia through North America that many explorers searched for but never found.
What is a Northwest Passage.
For the most part, explorers had a positive or negative impact ?
What is a positive impact.
This Spanish soldier led an expedition in search of the mythical "fountain of youth". He never found the magical waters. He did find what is now Florida and claimed it for Spain.
Who is Juan Ponce De Leon.
The Island that Columbus landed on was located in the__________ Sea. When he died he ___________ know that he reached that New World.
What is Caribbean/ Did Not