Name that Explorer
Name that Explorer 2
Multi-Step Questions
Who conquered the Aztec Empire?
What is Hernando Cortes
Who explored the land that connects the Americas and became the first European explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean ?
What is Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Who were the first to reach North America 500 years before Columbus?
Who are the vikings
New Technology, such as the compass and the astrolabe, improved navigation in the late 1400s. What does the word technology mean in the sentence above? a. scientific knowledge and tools b. a trip taken with the goal of exploring c. the science of planning and following a route d. an instrument used to find direction
a. scientific knowledge and tools
A trip that is taken with the goal of exploring is a. navigation b. expedition c. empire
b. expedition
Who was the explorer who first sailed around the world?
Who is Ferdinand Magellan
Who explored and claimed for Holland much of what is now the state of New York and surrounding areas?
Who is Henry Hudson
What country sponsored Columbus's expedition?
What is Spain
What did Columbus believe about the lands he reached in 1492?
-He believed the lands were Asia
A person who sets up and runs a business is a a. conquistador b. explorer c. entrepreneur
c. entrepreneur
Who explored and claimed for Spain what is now the state of Florida?
Who is Juan Ponce de Leon
Who explored and claimed for Spain much of what is now the southwestern United States?
Who is Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
What were the names of those the sponsored Christopher Columbus?
What is King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
Name three Problems European Explorers faced
- Need for better maps and new technology -Money to pay for expedition -Faced dangers by exploring unknown seas and lands
An agreement signed between two countries is a. treaty b. isthmus c. grant
a. treaty
Who explored and claimed for Spain much of the southern half of what is now the U.S.?
Who is Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
His crew mutinied and set him adrift at sea. He was never seen again.
What is Henry Hudson
Columbus's main reason for sailing west was
What is to find a more direct water route to Asia
Why did so many Europeans what to find the Northwest Passage?
-Would be a shortcut to Asia -To set up trade routes that would bring them wealth and power
Spanish explorers were also known as a. Aztecs b. Incas c. Conquistadors
c. Conquistadors
Who was the Conquistador that took control of Inca Empire in Peru?
Who is Francisco Pizarro
Wrote a book about his voyage to Cathay, as China was then called.
Who is Marco Polo
Verrazano, Cartier, and Hudson were all in search of
What is the Northwest Passage
Why did Columbus need to wait until after the reconquista to start his voyage?
-Needed King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to pay for voyage -They were too busy fighting a war to support Columbus
Large sums of money offered to those who led expeditions are called a. missionary b. grants c. reform
b. grants