French Revolution-Moderate Phase
French Revolution Radical Phase
Congress of Vienna/Aftermath
The centrist party in France
What is the Girondin Party
The center left party in Revolutionary France
What is the Jacobin Party
This was the place, formerly a part of Italy, where Napoleon was born.
What is Corsica?
This man is known as embodying the spirit of the day during the Congress of Vienna.
Who is Prince Klemens von Metternich?
Just as the ENlightenment favored rationalism, the Romantic movement favored _______________.
What is emotion/feeling?
At this event on June 20, 1789 , the National Assembly declared itself the nation.
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
He was the leader of the Jacobin Party, and is often associated with the Reign of Terror.
Who is Maximillian Robespierre?
This was the system of laws that Napoleon put in place, which was extremely influential throughout Europe and guaranteed a host of rights including freedom of religion.
What is the Napoleonic Code?
These two bodies were created during the Congress of Vienna to carry on its conservative ideas about European order.
What are the Concert of Europe and the Holy Alliance?
Romantics were for the soul and viewed the bourgeois world they lived in as overly obsessed with ______________.
What is materialism?
This group, named for their style of pants, aka regular trousers without knee breeches, were pivotal to the revolution, as they were, more or less, the Parisian mob.
What are the sans-culottes?
This committee was set with the task of protecting the revolution from its enemies.
What is the Committee for Public Safety?
This was the name of the agreement that Napoleon made regarding the Church in France and its position in the country, recognizing the Church's influence but rejecting its role in domestic political affairs.
What is the Concordat?
This revolution in 1827 was one of the only successful revolutions in the immediate post Congress of Vienna world.
What is the Revolution in Greece?
For the romantics, _______ was in __________. For the Enlightenment thinkers, it was the opposite.
What is truth; beauty
This law, passed on 12 July 1790, turned the remaining clergy into employees of the state, essentially declaring the state above the Church.
What is the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?
The reign of terror was helped along by wars with five other countries. These countries included ______, ___________, ________, ____________ and __________.
What are Great Britain, Prussia, Austria, Spain, and Holland?
This tactic, used by the Russians in their retreat from Napoleon in 1812, destroyed the crops and livestock in Russia in the areas on which Napoleon was advancing.
What is scorched-earth policy?
This group, created after the Congress of Vienna, includes competing powers Austria and Prussia
What is the German Confederation?
The Enlightenment had an ___________ view about the world. The Romantics favored the opposite, _________ view.
What is objective; subjective?
The Declaration of the Rights of Man, created in the Fall of 1789, declared that "men are born and remain free and equal in rights." The rights included liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression." It also guaranteed citizens equal _____________, as well as freedom of_____________ and ________________.
What are "justice," "speech and religion"
After the Thermidor, this was the name of the new government created, which had a 2 house legislature and executive body of five men.
What is the Directory?
The refers to the period that Napoleon returned to France after his first exile and before his first.
What is the Hundred Days?
In the post-Napoleonic world, where order and a return to normal are the three things most important for the Congress of Vienna.
What is restoration, legitimacy, and compensation?
The politics of the Romantics can be characterized as _____________.
What is mixed