A person at the lowest level of society in the 1400s would be known as this.
What is a peasant/serf?
Most people in Europe in the 1400s followed this religion
What is Catholicism?
This is an illness people would get on voyages when they did not eat enough vitamin c for a long time.
What is scurvy?
At the age of 7 kids would begin training to become this.
What is a knight?
A type of government in which power rest with a king or queen and is passed on to their children when they die.
What is a monarchy?
This is one place where common people put their human waste in the 1400s.
What is a chamber pot or in the streets?
These are two foods that were commonly eaten on ship voyage's in the 1400s
What are hard tack and salt pork?
This is the name of the group of people that were allowed to be educated.
Who are rich, noble, men?
What are sea shanties?
This disease, passed on by rats, swept through Europe starting in Italy in the 1400s. It was known for creating bumps on the skin called buboes.
What is the black death or black plague?
What is mutiny?
This is the name of the drink most people would have on voyages because water went bad.
What is beer or wine?
Most people in Europe believed in one god. Having a belief in one god is known as this.
What is monotheism?
This illness was often caused by drinking infected water. The illness caused extreme diarrhea.
What is dysentery?
These is one punishment a sailor could face if they committed a crime on a ship.
What is . . .
- Shave his belly with a rusty razor
- Scupper with a hose pipe bottom
- Bed with the captains daughter
- Longboat until he's sober
People known as this _____________ would be tortured to admit to not believing in the Catholic Church.
What are hertics?
What is feudalism?