No tonal center. What is it? Who is it related to? What did it evoke?
What is atonality. Webern's wozzeck and Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire. Evokes madness and disorder.
Tintinnabuli. What and who?
What is the ringing of bells. Arvo part.
Folk music incorporation
What is used to evoke a mood that the audience associates with that folk tune. A new creation could have a familiarity because of the folk tune overlayed in it. Bartok thought the best way to use folk tunes was not to incorporate them directly but to let them inspire a new piece.
Uptown. What and who?
What is Columbia university. Phd composers. Decadence of European composers like Schoenberg, high modernism and serialism
Aggregate harmonies
What is all 12 pitches, ultimate chords, associated with Scriabin.
What is pointillism, associated with Webern. Little pinpoints of harmony between different instruments. In serialism, each instrument would get equal melody of each tune row.
Contrefact. What and who and what piece?
What is a new tune over a borrowed harmonic progression. Duke Ellington put I got rhythm in Cottontail.
Totalitarianism. What and what composer?
What is power held by elite or individual. Forced an ideology or worldview. Propaganda became a huge factor in music, especially in Russia with RAPM affecting composers like Shostakovich and Prokofiev.
What is theatrical genre of entertainment 1880s to 1930s. Unrelated acts such as magicians, singing, virtuoso, and dancing.
Non retrogradeable rhythms
What is palindrome, backwards and forwards, associated with Messaien and the Quartet for the End of Time.
Expressionism, what and who?
What is using music (or other outlets ) to define one's inner most self. It was a lot about revealing the subconscious. Schoenberg, berg, Webern.
Entartete Musik. What and who?
What is decadent, degenerate music associated with non Arians, Jews, Americans, Slavonic origins, and people using atonality and serialism. RAPM would deem music such as sacred music, urban romance, jazz and patriotic songs like this. Prokofiev was frequently deemed entartete musik.
What is evoking early 18th century classical forms and structures. Sonata form. Associated with Britten and Shostakovich.
Midtown. What and who?
What is Lincoln center. Associated with preservation, repertoire of past conventional idioms, neoclassical, tonal.
Polytonality. What and who?
What is the use of multiple keys used at once within a piece. Associated with cowell.
Second Viennese School. What and who?
What is 3 men deciding to move the generation to a more atonal focus : berg, Webern, Schoenberg. All moved from romanticism to expressionism to serialism
Sergei Diaghilev.
What is impresario associated with Ravel and Stravinsky and the ballet russe. He brought Russian ballet and opera to Paris. Impresario for Stravinskys rite of spring.
Downtown. What and who?
What is Greenwich village, associated with minimalists like Steve Reich. Descent from American Experimentalists like Ives and cowell.
Nadia Boulanger
What is composition teacher in Paris, Copland, glass, rorem, Virgil Thompson... And tons more.
Jazz and blues characteristics. Also composers.
What is call and response, improvisation, nontraditional harmonies, syncopation, grammatically incorrect, misery subjects. Gershwin, Bessie Smith, Duke Ellington, William Grant Still.
Impressionism. Who and what?
What is manipulating harmony and tone color to draw emotions out of people, associated with sensualism and symbolism. Faure, ravel, and Debussy. They were able to do this by using exotic scales, parallel 5ths and octaves, free rhythm, orchestral color by using mutes and percussion
Tin Pan Alley
What is collection of music industry in New York. Song pluggers would improve songs to sell to artists and labels. 1880s to 1950s
Borscht belt
What is the chitlin circuit only for Jews, summer resorts, 20s to 60s.