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EU love

This country decided to leave the European Union in 2016.

What is the UK?


These parties are still found in Nordic countries

What are Agrarian parties?


This time period during the 20th century explains why Eastern European countries see the United States more positively than countries from Western Europe.

What is the Cold War?


These symbols are important markers of European cultural identity.

What are Beethoven's Ode to Joy, the Euro currency, and the blue flag with twelve golden stars?


This Northern African country applied for membership in the European Union.

What is Morocco?


These movements preceded and set the foundations for the emergence of populist far-right parties in Europe.

What are the interwar leagues?


The increasing influence of the European Union on domestic European politics led to the success of these parties.

What are the Populist far-right parties?


These countries tend to have a much higher level of unionization than the rest of Europe.

What are the Nordic countries?


This is the argument that Europeans should colonize other parts of the World to bring progress and development to primitive societies

What is the "white man's burden"?


This is the only European country in the European Union to have nuclear weapons.

What is France?


This concept captures the idea that major historical events and processes have influenced what happens in the present time.

What is path dependency?


These political parties are the political expression of post-materialist values.

What are Green parties?


Religion is still important in Eastern Europe for its role in supporting this major historical event.

What is the collapse of communist dictatorships?


This country is not considered as part of Europe by most Europeans (while countries like Cyprus and Iceland are), because a large majority of its population is Muslim.

What is Turkey?


These are the three basic rules (respect of the rule of law and democratic principles, a free-market economy, and accepting the previous laws and regulations of the European Union) needed to be considered for European Union membership.

What are the Copenhagen criteria?


According to Lipset and Rokkan, these are the two “critical junctures” that helped the formation of some of the main political parties in European politics.

What are the the national and the industrial revolutions?


These political parties have consistently been supportive of European integration

What are Christian Democratic parties?


This historical event led to the split between communist and socialist (or social-democratic) parties in Europe.

What is the Russian communist party's call to oversee European communist organizations during the Third International?


Contrary to the United States, where military power is perceived as the main tool for global influence, Europeans tend to prefer this instrument to resolve conflict.

What is diplomacy?


This country has abolished the death penalty in 2004 as a precondition to be able to become a member of the European Union.

What is Turkey?


This factor explains why class consciousness is less present in the United States than in Europe.

What is the presence of class divisions and social classes (like the aristocracy, clergy, and pesantry) in Europe since the medieval ages?


This European country is the only European country to use the same type of electoral system (FPTP, or single member district plurality system) than the United States for the election of the members of the lower house of Parliament, the House of Commons.

What is the UK?


After the fall of communism in 1989 and the German reunification in 1991, this is one of the remaining European countries split in two (where each part of its territory is controlled by different governments).

What is Cyprus?


The ethnic and racial homogeneity of Europe (compared to the heterogeneity of the US) at the time of its creation explains why this system of benefits is more extensive in Europe than in the US.

What is the Welfare State?


These countries are part of the European Union but have not adopted the Euro as their currency.

What are Sweden and Denmark?