The Taino
Christopher Columbus
Columbian Exchange
Journey made for a special purpose
What is expedition?
The name of the people that Columbus met when his ships arrived on October 12, 1492
What is Taino?
Italian seaman whose mission was a sea route to the Indies
Who is Christopher Columbus?
Movement of people, plants, animals, and germs across the Atlantic Ocean
What is the Columbian exchange?
King and Queen of Spain who gave Columbus money for his expedition
Who are King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella?
This is what Columbus called these people?
What are Indians?
This is why the King of Portugal refused to give Columbus money for his expedition
What is because he thought the distance to Asia sailing west was much greater than Columbus thought?
This is the number of trips Columbus took to the "new world"
What is four?
A chain of islands in the West Indies
What are Bahama Islands?
Two words that we still use today that came from the Taino language
What are canoe and hammock?
These are the names of the ships in Columbus's expedition
What are the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria?
These are the two things Columbus brought back to the King and Queen of Spain
What are parrots and plants unknown in Europe?
Capital of El Salvador, believed to be the landing site of Columbus
What is San Salvador?
These are the islands in which the Taino lived
What are Bahama Islands, Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico?
This is the problem that led to the search for a sea route to the Indies and how Columbus proposed to solve this problem
What is the high cost of bringing goods by land from Asia and sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean to solve the problem?
These are the positive effects the Columbian exchange had on the world
What is the Columbian exchange improved the diets of people, increased food supply in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and the population increased?
A settlement far away from the country who rules it
What is colony?
These are some facts about the canoes and hammocks the Taino used
What are the canoes were made by the Taino hallowing out centers of tree trunks, the boats were used to fish, trade, and make war, and the boats were their lifelines; also, the hammocks were made from woven cloth or other plant fibers, were used as a simple bed, and were set up between two posts?
This is why Columbus told his crew members a false distance to Asia
What is so that their nerves would be calmed by knowing a shorter distance to Asia, since they were worried they would never reach land?
These are the negative effects of the Columbian exchange
What is the Columbian exchange allowed for diseases from Europe to kill many people because they had not built up a resistance to them; also, sugar that was exchanged allowed for slavery which caused Africans to be slaves working on the sugar plantations?