Author's Purpose
Context Clues
Figurative Language

The ingredients listed on the side of a candy bar wrapper.



Daren showed up at the banquet with food stains all over his dress shirt. He sat down, put his feet on the table, and burped loudly. The other people sitting at the table looked at each other but continued eating.

What character trait does Daren demonstrate? 

Rude, unmannerly, slobbish


After the bird escaped, Chris tried to coax it back into the cage with treats.

Definition: to gently persuade


I SING the song of the great clean guns that belch forth death at will.

"Ah, but the wailing mothers, the lifeless forms and still!"

I sing the song of the billowing flags, the bugles that cry before.

"Ah, but the skeletons flapping rags, the lips that speak no more!"


I sing the clash of bayonets, of sabres that flash and cleave.

"And wilt thou sing the maimed ones, too, that go with pinnedup sleeve?"


I sing acclaimed generals that bring the victory home.

"Ah, but the broken bodies that drip like honey-comb!"


I sing of hosts triumphant, long ranks of marching men.

"And wilt thou sing the shadowy hosts that never march again?"

 Identify two examples of personification: explain what is being personified how.

Guns are given the ability to belch.

Bugles are given the ability to cry.


After going to the zoo, the mall, and the movies, Cassie was sick of bending over backwards to entertain her nieces.

When someone is "bending over backwards," they are trying very hard to please another person.


The lyrics to Michael Jackson's song, "Billy Jean."



 Diamond spent twelve hours working on her Popsicle stick White House yesterday. Today she noticed that there are bushes in front of the building, so she spent another six hours making bushes out of construction paper.

What character trait does Diamond demonstrate?

Perfectionist, meticulous, hardworking, determined, motivated


 Peculiar: Since it was a school day, Denise thought it was peculiar that she saw no children on the street during her drive to work.  

Definition: strange; unusual


Identify an example of simile: explain which two things are being compared.

Broken bodies are compared to honey-comb using the word "like"


 Bobby would have been playing ball until the cows came home if it hadn't been for Suzie dragging him home for dinner.

The expression "until the cows come home" means that something is likely to continue for a long time.


 A letter from a pregnant girl to her boyfriend giving reasons why they should keep the baby



Courtney asked her neighbor if she could borrow an egg to complete a recipe that she had already started. The next day Courtney returned an egg to her neighbor along with a thank you card expressing her sincere gratitude.

What character trait does Courtney demonstrate?

Grateful, appreciative, polite, thankful


If a wolf refuses to help its pack hunt, it becomes an outcast and must go on alone.

Definition: not belonging to a group


 Find an example of alliteration. List the alliterative words.

sing song

great guns

broken bodies

marching men


Eric wanted to fix his cousin's computer, but he was already having problems setting up his Aunt's Wi-Fi network and he didn't want to open a whole new can of worms. 

To "open a can of worms" is to begin working on a complicated problem. This expression may refer to a fisherman opening a can of worms and having difficulties unraveling a single worm from the bunch.  


A youtube video of how to create building replicas using touch-screen tablet PC


When Angela asked her mother if she could go to the party, her mother said that she could not. So Angela asked her father, who said that she could. She then played her parents off one another until she got her way. Angela enjoyed herself at the party.

What character trait does Angela demonstrate? 

Manipulative, calculating, cunning, dishonest 


Content: While others eat eggs, pancakes, and bacon for breakfast, Mike was content with a piece of toast and a glass of orange juice.

Definition: satisfied


Why is every other line contained in quotation marks? What is the effect of this technique?

Every other line is in quotation marks because there are two speakers in the poem. The two voices are having a dialogue. The first voice boasts of the grandeur and glory of war. The second voice counters each boast made by the first voice with the opposing horrors of war.


 Even though Candace already had a new job, she submitted her two week notice and conducted herself in a professional way at her old job because she didn't want to burn bridges. 


To "burn bridges" is to ruin a relationship. If Candace did not want to burn bridges with her old employer, she wanted to maintain a good relationship with them.


A bumper sticker warning people to "Click it or Ticket," in reference to wearing a seatbelt

persuade/inform, depends on explanation

Kelly likes Aaron because they have many things in common. They have formed a great connection and she thinks that Aaron is very handsome, but Kelly wants to date Burt. Even though Kelly has nothing in common with Burt, he drives a fancy car and he spends a lot of money. She likes this about him.


What character trait does Kelly demonstrate?

Materialistic, greedy


dispute: My father and Mr. McClure, our neighbor, have had a dispute as to the property line separating our two houses ever since Mr. McClure planned to build a fence.

dispute: a disagreement or an argument


In the third stanza of the poem, the speaker references "pinnedup sleeves": why would someone pin their sleeves? To what is the speaker referring and how do you know? Use evidence from the text.

Someone might pin-up their sleeve if they lost an arm. The speaker is referring to soliders who have lost limbs. I know this because of the word "maimed" and the references to bayonents and sabres in the preceeding line.


  World renowned country western super group The Mountain Boys can sell out an arena at the drop of a hat.     

"At the drop of a hat" means that something is likely to occur very quickly. This expression may have come from street performers, who were likely to perform amazing feats at the drop of a hat.