CONSORT stands for this.
What is Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials?
The SPRINT Trial followed this approach to statistical analysis.
What is intention to treat?
An evidenced-based, minimum set of requirements for reporting of clinical trials.
What is the CONSORT statement?
The probability of avoiding a type II error.
What is power?
In the SPRINT trial, this many subjects were lost to follow up.
What is 245?
The CONSORT Statement provides a minimum set of requirements for this type of literature.
What is randomized controlled trial?
The minimum age of patients included in the SPRINT trial.
What is 50?
Medscape is an example of this type of literature.
What is secondary?
The absolute difference in outcome rates between two groups.
What is the absolute risk reduction?
The SPRINT trial had this many subgroups.
What is 18?
CONSORT consists of this many items.
What is 25?
Where would you find how often the patients' labs were collected in this trial?
What is study measurements?
Micromedex is an example of this type of literature.
What is tertiary literature?
The equation for Number Needed to Treat.
What is 1/Absolute Risk Reduction?
This was the purpose of the SPRINT trial.
What is intensive vs standard blood pressure control?
This is the order of the CONSORT flow diagram.
What is Enrollment, Allocation, Follow-up, Analysis?
SPRINT trial participants were required to have this Framingham risk.
What is 15?
"An adult w/ depression taking bupropion w/ minimal results asks if sertraline is better" gives this PICO
What is
P = adult with depression;
I = sertraline;
C = bupropion;
O = resolution of depression
The equation for Number Needed to Harm
What is 1/Attributable Risk?
The SPRINT excluded this type of kidney disease as a factor for increased cardiovascular risk.
What is polycystic kidney disease?
The SPRINT Trial planned for a power of ____ to detect a difference of ____.
What is a power of 88.7 and a different of 20?
"Early, Goal-Directed Therapy for Septic Shock: A Patient-Level Meta-Analysis" is what type of literature.
What is secondary?
This is the equation for relative risk.
(risk in the treatment group)/(risk in the control group)
SPRINT also stands for this.
What is Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial Study