Urgent/Not Urgent
Jump to Conclusion
How my behavior affects others
Being impulsive

You are working on your homework and need help with an assignment. Your mom is on the telephone talking to your grandmother. You jump out of your seat and scream across the room, "I need help here". Was this an urgent situation? How could have you reacted instead?

No, this was not an urgent situation. You could have tried to solve the problem on your own or waited until mom got off the phone. 


Your mom promised that she would take you for ice cream after school today. When mom picks you up from school she says, "I have to stop at the food store". You flip out and state, "You promised me that we would go for ice cream". Did you jump to conclusions? Did mom say you were not going for ice cream?

Yes, you jumped to conclusions. Mom never said that she wasn't taking you for ice cream. You assumed it. 


True or false - Responded to a person with a rude comment can affect how they feel about you. 



You were playing a video game and did not get to the level you wanted to so you threw the remote across the room. Was this impulsive behavior? How could you have reacted differently. 

Yes this was impulsive behavior. I could have used my coping skills by taking deep breaths or walking away from the game for awhile. 


How many Star War movies are there?



Dad is outside mowing the lawn. Emmy trips down the stairs and is crying that her leg hurts. Is this an urgent or not urgent situation. What should you do?

This is an urgent situation. If your mom is not home then you need to go outside and tell your dad what happened to Emmy. 


Ida comes to the house for ABA session. She says, "I forgot my computer". You state this is going to be the worse session ever. Did you jump to conclusions?

Yes, Ida may have brought a printed out game instead. 


You asked Emmy to play a game with you. She said she didn't want to play right now. You scream at her and push her. How did you make her feel? Do you think she will want to play with you later today?

You probably upset her. It is not okay to push or scream at anyone. You need to accept "no". She probably will not want to play with you the remainder of the day. 


Emmy is playing with your spinners in your room. You scream at her and push the spinner away from her. Was this impulsive behavior? What could you have done differently? 

You could have played with Emmy with the spinner or ask her to always ask you first before playing with your toys. 


How many states are there in the United States?

50 states


You are watching a favorite show on TV. The TV shuts off. Your scream to your mother to tell your dad to get off his business call and come in the living room to fix it. Is this annurgent situation? How should you have reacted instead?

No, this is not an urgent situation. You should find something else to do until dad is available. 


You family was planning a day at the beach. When you woke up in the morning you notice the rain and stated, "The day is ruined we are not going to the beach". What could you have done before jumping to conclusions? 

You could have checked the weather on your computer to see if it was going to rain all day. You could of asked your parents if there is another activity planned for the day if the rain doesn't stop


Your parents invited over a few of their friends who have younger kids. One of the little boys wants to play with your toys. You grab the toy from his hand. He starts to cry. How do you think the little boy feels? How could you have reacted to the situation differently. 

You could have played with the little boy or given him at least one of your toys to play with. 


Dad asks to to clean your room. You say, "No way, I'm not doing it". Was this statement impulsive. 

Yes, it was impulsive.


How old are you? 




B (8)


Mom is driving you to a birthday party. Half way down the street she realizing she forgot the birthday gift. She pulls in the driveway and asks you to run in the house and get the gift. You say to your mom I don't want to get the gift. It is no big deal he doesn't need a gift. Was this an urgent situation? 

Yes, you needed to go into the house and get the gift so you would be on time to the party.


You come home from a friend's house and your sister says to you, "I was playing with your toy and .........". Instead of letting her finish talking you yell - "You probably broke my toy". Did you jump to conclusions?

Yes, you should always listen to the entire statement before speaking. 


The teacher gives the class a science project to complete in class. You need to work with a partner. The teacher pairs you up with another student that is not your friend. You say to the student, "You are not my friend, I do not want to do the project with you". How do you think this statement made him feel? What could you have done differently? 

That was a mean statement. You probably hurt the student's feelings. You could have used it as an opportunity to make a new friend or just accepted working with him. 


Name 3 ways you can control your impulses.

Use a sensory item

Take deep breaths

Think before reacting 

Ask for a break 


Is Spirit bigger than Prism?

No. Spirit is not bigger than Prism.


You are playing a video game and your mom is upstairs cleaning. Your mom's phone rings and you see it is dad on the phone so you answer it. Dad asks you to bring the phone to your mom because he has something important to tell her. You are in the middle of a video game and tell dad you don't feel like going upstairs. You dad becomes upset with you. Was this urgent? What could you have done differently. 

Just say ok and go give the phone to your mother since you dad said it was important. 


Your math teacher walks into the room and states, "Ok everyone put away everything on your desk except a pencil". You state, "Oh no a pop quiz". Did you jump to conclusions? 

Yes, you did. You need to hear everything a person needs to say before reacting. It may not be a pop quiz. It may be that you need more room on your desk to work on a project. 


You are playing a game with your parents and Emmy. You are losing the game so you begin to cheat. How do you think your family feel? Do you think they will want to play another game with you? 

They are probably frustrated that you are cheating and no they probably will not want to play another game with you for awhile. 


True or false.  Being impulsive usally leads to poor decision making. 



In Minecraft what mob drops bones and arrows?
