What is evangelism? (2x)
The sharing of the true Gospel to other people and the discipleship that comes after
What did Jesus sacrifice on the cross?
His life
What do we preach in evangelism?
The Gospel
False, Jesus is the way to heaven (John 14:6)
What is our "cup"?
Our life
What is the main vision of evangelism?
To have as many souls in the kingdom of God as possible (2 Peter 3:9)
What type of fishers are we?
Fishers of men/people (Matthew 4:19)
When we answer questions in evangelism, what are two of the traits that we need to have?
Gentleness and respect
What does the Bible say about the future of false teachers?
They will be destroyed (2 Peter 2:1-3)
What liquid is Jesus often referred as?
(Living) water
What are the 3 most important things about Jesus' life that led to our salvation?
His righteous living, His death on the cross and His resurrection
If you want to follow Jesus, what must you do daily?
Take up your cross
When we evangelise, we need to present ourselves as?
One approved OR a worker that does not need to be ashamed
Name 3 types of false "gospels".
Prosperity, deeds-based, indulgences etc.
Do we fill our "cup" with quotes from motivational quotes from life coaches to be able to evangelise? If so, give one quote example.
No, we fill our "cup" with the Holy Spirit and His Word to be able to evangelise
What took us away from God in the first place and made Jesus' sacrifice necessary?
What did Jesus ask the Father to take away during His last night?
Cup of suffering
What do we do if someone does not want to hear more of the Gospel from us?
Move on to the next willing person (Matthew 10:7-14)
What is the most popular form of false teachings?
What does the Great Commission tell us to do?
Make disciples of all nations, baptise disciples in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teach disciples to obey everything Jesus has commanded
Give a BIBLICAL two-minute evangelistic speech.
Well done!
Why are false teachings dangerous?
They can lead us away from God and away from eternity in heaven
Faith is the assurance of things unseen, which could be linked by being assured that God will save those who we evangelise to, according to His will