Air Masses and Fronts
Weather Maps
Ocean Current Surfaces
Ocean Current Deeps

What does mT mean when referring to temperature?

What is maritime tropical?


If you are looking at a map that shows air masses/pressure  across the world and you see a capital H, what does it mean?

What is a high pressure air mass?


Global winds are one of three things that control ocean surface currents. What are global winds controlled by?

What is the sun?


What are the two lead variables that determine water density of the ocean deep?

What is salinity and temperature?


When a cold front moves under a warm front this is ____ front.

What is a cold front?


Low air pressure is associated with what type of weather?

What is cloudy/rainy weather?


True or False 

The Gulf stream carries up to 25x as much as a regular river

What is false, the Gulf Stream carries up to 25x as much as every river combined.


The colder it is in the ocean deep the ____ (more or less) dense it is.

What is more?


What is it called when a cold front and warm front meets, then the two fronts both stop?

What is a stationary front?


If you go on your phone and look at the temperature of the whole entire day of November, 25, 2009 you are looking at the _____ (weather or climate).

What is weather?


Why is upwelling so very important?

What is healthy rich nutrients?(these nutrients are sustainable for our lives)


 True or False    

 As you go deeper in the ocean it gets colder and the temperature does the exact opposite of decreasing? 

What is true?


A front that is combined between a warm front and a cold front that shares characteristics of both but is not stationary but is a ______ front.

What is a occluded front?


What type of weather usually comes with a stationary front?

What is cloudy/little precipitation?


What are the three specific things that control surface currents. 

What is global winds? What is continental deflect? What is the coriolis effect?


More specifically than at the bottom of the ocean, where can you find the coldest water in the ocean?(What is the name of the deepest part of the ocean?)

What is the Mariana Trench?


What fronts tend to move faster, cold or warm fronts?

What is a warm front?


You see a weather map with triangles and semi circles on a line. The semi circles and triangles are on the same side of the line. You must be looking at a ______ front.

What is a occluded front?


Ocean currents tend to go in a pattern/shape. Meaning they go in the same path somewhat, what shape do the currents take? 

What is a circular/ring like shape?


What is another name for ocean deeps?

What is ocean floor? What is a trench?