Greek myth
9th grade knowledge
Facts about me

The Roman and Greek gods are very similar but most differ in names, this is the Roman equivalent to Hera   

Who is Juno


There are plenty of literary devices, such as similes, metaphors, and alliteration. This literary device means to compare two things  

What is juxtaposition 


In music there are 4 clefs, treble, bass, alto, and tenor. While the violin uses treble clef, Cellos generally use this clef 

What is bass clef


While I enjoy multiple flavors of ice cream this is the soft serve flavor i always choose

What is vanilla


Pandemics seam to be a common theme in the 20's, 2020's was corona, 1920's was the Spanish flu and 1820 was this  

What is Cholera 


This Greek god bore the children Demos (dread) and Phobos (panic) with Aphrodite 

Who is Aries


Flowers, like animals, have male, female, or both reproductive organs. The female organs are called this

What is the Pistil


I don't like much older music but this popular song that tells of the extravagant life of a high class escort is one that i enjoy  

What is Killer Queen by Queen


I have many small collections of things in my room but my collection of this beats the others in numbers

What are pencils 


Roses are often used to express emotions, different colors meaning different things. Red roses stand for love, Black for death, and yellow means this  

What is friendship 


The Greek underworld has many creative punishments for anyone who angers the gods, this person stole the gods food and was punished to forever be unable to reach the food and drink in front of him 

Who is Tantalus


In my World Geo class, we routinely did map quizzes, name 8 African countries

I'll judge


While most band instruments are easy to list, this tenor sounding instrument is often forgotten, despite it being a leading part in Military bands. 

What is the Euphonium 


In the last Jeopardy i asked for my favorite smells, these are my least favorites (multiple answers) 

Bengay, mint, oranges, those disgusting burger packs at school 


Swiss army knives come with a variety of useful tools such as a knife, scissors, or a file, they also generally come with a bottle opener and this other alcoholic tool 

What is a corkscrew


A common misconception is that Hades is the god of death, rather it is this god whose name sounds similar to a Marvel villain 

Who is Thanatos 


In my humanities class we read many different books but one of the first we read was over this King of Uruk 

Who is Gilgamesh


This staple Christmas song written in 1857 by James Lord Pierpont was originally a Thanksgiving song

What is Jingle Bells


While all the Greek Gods are cool, i have two favorites, both starting with the letter A

Who is Artemis and Athena


Barcodes were first introduced in 1948 by Norman J Woodland and Bernard Silver, this was the first item scanned

What is Wrigley's juicy fruit gum 


This goddess of the night was one of the first deities to be created from Chaos, her might is so formidable that even Zeus, king of the Gods, fears her   

Who is Nyx


Finding the sides and angles of triangles is a branch of math called trigonometry, thats not 9th grade math but we do learn principles of it. SOH CAH TOA is one of those principles, the S, C, and T standing for this 

What is Sin, Cos, and Tan


Only one band has managed to play a concert on all 7 continents and even cooler, this rock band did it all in one year 

Who is Metallica 


I like a lot of different musicals, including this musical based off a film about a teenage girl falling in love with a psychopath and going down a very dark path with him 

What is Heathers


Some snakes are venomous and some aren't, the rhyme "red touch yellow, kill a fellow, red touch black, friend of jack" is used to differentiate between these three snakes, two harmless, the other deadly  

What is the milk, king, and coral snake