Etiquette and Expectations
Before and After

T/F: You should challenge students you meet at events.



What are the 3 Categories of Events Hard as Nails puts on?

What are JF, MLEs, and Rentals/retreat center


What is the title of the person who leads Intro, and Outro



What are the two main games we play at the beginning of our event? 

The Cup Game, Rock Paper Scissors Tournament


What is the 2nd Tour we will be going on this year?



What are 2 criteria for going on the road?

Any 3 of the following:

  • Compatibility with all team members
  • Have dealt with all conflicts, achieving proper resolution
  • Fundraising
  • Follow through on all projects (ON THE ROAD AND IN OFFICE)
  • Needs of ministry (trips/office/projects, etc.)
  • Stamina & health
  • Previous performance on trips
  • Attitude, attitude, attitude!!

What is the name of the event Described:

The event is for ALL PEOPLE, not just Catholics or Christians, 

Live music/choir, comedian, local athlete, preaching from JF

You're Amazing Invitation


T/F: If you are in the role of merchandise, only purchases have to go through Shopify.

F: everything Purchased or given away have to go through the app


Meet at _______ ________, 10 minutes before event kick-off time for prayer with Justin Fatica

Wizard Table


What are the three main Event Goals

Recruitment, Media, and Fundraising

what are the 3 specified clothing guidelines that you will always follow at events (unless told otherwise)
  • Black You’re Amazing t-shirt
  • Casual pants, colored pants, or joggers (no sweats or shorts)
  • Clean closed-toe shoes (Crocs count)

What is your title when you are putting on an Encouragement event?

Character Coach


Whose role decides where Equipment gets placed? 

Set-Up Coordinator


What does SWOT stand for?

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats


List the 4 colors of events in order from most censored to least

red, orange, green, blue


List the "5 Be's" of Host home etiquette:

Be polite, Be engaged, Be clean, Be thankful, and Be on time


Organize the Event flow for an Event:

1)attendees arrive, 2)hug lines & challenge sheets, 3)GYLTC, 4)motivational message from JF, 5)pre-event games, 6)JF impact & inspire, 7)JF storytelling & laughter, 8)event intro & mc 

1)attendees arrive, 2)pre-event games, 3)event intro & mc, 4)motivational message from jf, 5)jf storytelling & laughter, 6)jf impact & inspire, 7)hug lines & challenge sheets, 8)GYLTC


What are the three systems that Wizards Run from the computer(s)?

Teleprompter, ProPresenter, All Audio 


You fill out ____ _____ _________ right after an event (one thing but it is 3 words long)

Post Event Checklists


What Does SWOT Stand for

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats


Fill in the blanks of the "DO's at events":

  • Listen to the person in front of you
  • ____________
  • Hug kids if they want to!
  • Watch the students and how they are being impacted
  • _____________
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Offer to have someone stay in touch with us
  • Smile and have fun!
  • _____________
  • Be open and willing to share at any moment
  • Know and communicate where each missionary is
  • Engage in what is happening
  • Share your story
  • Talk with students

What are 4 of the 6 similarities of JF Assemblies and Retreats? (hint: Think Back to the Ven diagram)

Talks, Challenge Sheets, GYLTC, 3MOPS, Games, Impact


What are the 9 roles you will be doing on the Road?

Logistics, Communication, Setup/Strike, MC, Wizard, Discipleship/Recruitment, Merchandise, Donors, Media


What do you do you do at (Just one at each of the blank ones):

1 Month: Get in touch with event leaders to go over final event details and logistics start writing itineraries

2 Weeks: Finalize itineraries and start looking at food packing/needs 

10 Days:

2 Days:

10 Days: Pre-tour meeting and discussion of goals

2 Days: Personal packing and equipment packing


What is the Mission and Vision of Hard as Nails

Mission: "To awaken the world to the power of God's Love"

Vision: "To Create a world where no one suffers alone"