John A MacDonald: The Impossible Idea
Important Dates
Why did these Provinces join Confederation

What were three reasons leading to confederation (extra 100 points if you say all five)

Railway issues, changing British attitudes, threat of American invasion, political deadlock and cancellation of the reciprocity treaty


Who was this movie about?

John A Macdonald

What was the main idea for the Charlottetown Conference?

Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and P.E.I. were thinking about creating a Maritime Union.


When did Canada become a country?

July 1, 1867

What were Upper Canada and Lower Canada called before Confederation?

Upper Canada was Canada West, and lower Canada was Canada East


What were the four Provinces that first joined Canada?

New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Québec


What is the Globe?

A newspaper


Whose voices weren't heard during the Charlottetown Conference and the Québec Conference?

The Indigenous peoples, Black Canadians, and women.


When did the Québec conference start?

October 10, 1864


Why did Canada West join Confederation?

Canada West had the highest population and the most representatives in Confederation, so they could get almost anything they wanted done.


Which two Provinces invited themselves to the Charlottetown Conference?

Canada East and Canada West


What were two of John A Macdonalds personal problems that were in the newspaper?

His wife dying and his alcohol problems


Why were the Women, Indigenous peoples and Black people ignored?

The Women, Indigenous peoples, and Black people were ignored because the politicians thought their views were unimportant.


When did the Charlottetown Conference start? 

September 1, 1864


Why did Canada East join Confederation?

The railways were very important to Canada East, and they were right in the path of the Fenians. Canada East also sided with Canada West, who supported Confederation.  


At what Conference were the discussions of how the new country could be governed?

The Québec Conference 


Why does John A Macdonald oppose representation by population (aka rep by pop)

He thinks it going to divide the country and no government can be formed from either side of the house


Who argued against the union of the colonies, and why? 

Joseph Howe argued against the union of the colonies because the small maritime provinces would not have a voice against the large provinces of Ontario and Québec.


When did the Québec Conference end?

October 27, 1864


Why did New Brunswick join Confederation?

New Brunswick was pushed and pulled by the Fenian problem facing confederation, the loss of protection in the British market, the end of reciprocity, and the promise of an intercolonial railway..


Why did Canada East and Canada West invite themselves to the Charlottetown Conference?

They invited themselves because they were interested in creating a larger union, and wanted to share their ideas with the other unions. 


What solution does John A Macdonald propose after he refuses to support representation by population?

Confederation of all the the provinces of British North America


What did A.A. Dorion believe after the conferences?

He believed that these resolutions for rep by pop did not serve the interests of the French people, because he was worried that the French culture would be destroyed by the English majority


When did the Charlottetown Conference end? 

September 9, 1864


Why did Nova Scotia join Confederation?

For Nova Scotia, Confederation delivered the Intercolonial Railway to the Maritimes, and because of the efforts of Sir Charles Tupper.