What is the date of D-Day?
June 6, 1944
When did the annual day of commemoration begin?
After World War 1
What happens every year at cenotaphs?
The playing of the traditional military bugle, “last post” followed by “Reveille.”
What did the black and white stripes indicate to friendly fighters?
To not shoot
what does the term "armistice" mean and what is armistice day?
The term Armistice denotes the cessation of hostilities in a conflict and it was used universally for the final silencing of the guns that ended WW1 at 11:00 AM on November 11th 1918.
Between whom was the conflict?
The Allied forces and Germany.
How did Canada mark its first Armistice Day?
A special appeal was sent out by King George V on November 6th.
Who attends the country's largest Remembrance Day ceremony?
The Prime Minister, the Governor General, and the “Silver Cross Mother”
How many missions did the Halifax LW170 participate in during the critical days preceding and during D-day?
28 missions
Why did Armistice Day change to remembrance day?
Remembrance Day was a more inclusive term. And meant remembering those who fought for us.
How many Canadian soldiers died on D-Day?
340 Canadian soldiers died on D-Day
When did Canada hold its first remembrance day?
Canada held its first Remembrance Day on November 11, 1931.
What do Remembrance Day ceremonies offer?
Remembrance Day offers veterans the opportunity to remember and salute fallen comrades.
What were the Lancaster’s most notable exploits?
Breaching Mohne and Eder, dams in Ruhr, germant in May and sinking a German battleship
Who were among the first into action at Juno Beach?
Canadian airmen and sailors were among the first into action