Financial Decision Making
Budgeting & Spending
Income & Careers
Credit & Borrowing

True or False? People can be responsible with their money by buying everything they want.



At the grocery store, the items you might buy while waiting in the check-out line are considered…

  1. Needs
  2. Impulse buys
  3. Unsought goods

Impulse buys

  1. An owner of a plumbing business
  2. A waitress
  3. A flight attendant

An owner of a plumbing business


What is credit?

  1. A form of borrowing
  2. An endless supply of money
  3. A household asset

A form of borrowing


Why is it important to spend money on things you need before spending money on things you want?

  1. Because buying things you want is more fun
  2. Because you can live without wants, but you can’t live without needs
  3. Because only adults can spend money on things they want

Because you can live without wants, but you can’t live without needs

  1. A wage is paid by the hour, and a salary is paid over a set period of time
  2. A wage is paid over a set period of time, and a salary is paid by the hour
  3. There is no difference between a wage and a salary

A wage is paid by the hour, and a salary is paid over a set period of time


An adult might use credit to pay for______.

  1. A car
  2. A House
  3. Both A and B

Both A and B


Why is it helpful to listen to adults’ experiences and advice about money?

  1. You can learn from their experiences and avoid making bad money decisions.
  2. You might get ideas of new things to buy
  3. They can help you work on your math skills

You can learn from their experiences and avoid making bad money decisions


All of these are things you should consider when choosing a career path except:

  1. Your interests and talents
  2. Your expected income
  3. Choosing whatever your friends are doing

Choosing whatever your friends are doing


If you damage something you've borrowed from a friend, how could you regain your friend’s trust?

  1. Buy your friend a replacement item
  2. Stop talking to your friend
  3. Pretend like it was damaged when it was given to you

Buy your friend a replacement item


What’s the best way to know if you are getting a good deal on what you're buying?

  1. Find out if there is a return policy
  2. Compare the price for what you want to buy at two or more stores
  3. Find out if all your friends own the item too

Compare the price for what you want to buy at two or more stores


You have $20 dollars in your budget this week. Your friends are going to the movies and miniature golfing this week. The movie ticket costs $12, popcorn costs $7, and a drink costs $4. Miniature golfing costs $8. Which choice is within your budget?

  1. The movie, popcorn, and drink
  2. The movie, popcorn, drink, and miniature golfing
  3. The movie and miniature golfing

The movie and miniature golfing


Michael loves to work in teams and speak in front of groups. Maera loves math and can focus on hard work for a long time. Would Michael or Maera be a better fit for a career in computer engineering?

  1. Michael would be a better fit
  2. Maera would be a better fit
  3. Neither would be a good fit

Maera would be a better fit


How is buying with credit different than paying with cash?

  1. With credit, you borrow money to make the purchase, and repay the money borrowed later
  2. With credit, you can pay for things from your checking account
  3. There is no difference between buying with credit or paying with cash

With credit, you borrow money to make the purchase, and repay the money borrowed later


You’re getting ready to make a savings plan. What question should you ask yourself first?

  1. What are all of the things you want to save for?
  2. How much money are you making each week and how much do you need to set aside for your expenses?
  3. How can you spend all of your money?

How much money are you making each week and how much do you need to set aside for your expenses?


You’ve been saving for a coding robot for 6 months. Your friend just showed up to school with the coolest new shoes. He takes a look at your shoes and says they aren’t as cool as his. You want to be cool but you only have enough for the shoes or the robot, not both. What do you do?

  1. Buy new shoes so that you look cool
  2. Wait for the shoes to go on sale and save the extra money to buy the robot next year
  3. Follow your own interests and buy the robot

Follow your own interests and buy the robot


Your friend wants to get an after-school job. She’s considering mowing lawns around the neighborhood, babysitting, and working full-time in an office with her dad. Which option should she get rid of?

  1. Mowing lawns around the neighborhood
  2. Babysitting
  3. Working full-time in an office with her dad

Working full-time in an office with her dad


Why do financial institutions lend money?

  1. Financial institutions make money if they loan money to successful entrepreneurs
  2. Financial institutions make money from the interest the borrower pays to use the money
  3. Financial institutions have too much money and it can’t sit too long in the vault

Financial institutions make money from the interest the borrower pays to use the money