What is my favourite kind of chips
Who is my best friend at dance
What does mr stand for im crochet
a) magic ring
b) mart ring
c) magic rags
A) magic ring
How many owalas do i own
Who did i have grade one
Mme bradburry
What is my Favourite dinner
How many people are in my friend group at school
Trick question 0 i dont have a friend group at school
How many stitches can i do
a) 1b) 6
c) 5
c) 5
Whats my favourite type of flower
Tulips roses and hidrangas
Who did i have grade 2
Mme barnet
What do i eat for breakfast most days
Who was my first freind at dance
How many friends do i have that can crochet
How many animals have i had in my life
Who did i have grade 3
Mme bowman
What is my favourite sweet treat
A slushy
Who is in my friend group at dance
Brianna, bronwen,gwenyth
how long ago did i lean how to crochet
September 2023
What is my 3 favourite things to do
Crochet and dance and hang ourt with family and friends
Who did i have grade 4
What used to be my favourite foods
Bacon and gum
Who was in my first dance hoe down
Ashley ashleigh bronwen gwenyth katelyn addy
Where do i want to go for a trip
Who did i have grade 5
Mme ashby