Why Discipleship?
Finding The “One Thing”
Why Men Fail
A Man of the Word
Meditation: Thinking With Purpose
If you are going to successfully disciple men and prepare them for leadership, you cannot lower or water down this.
What are standards? Keeping the standards high and doing the work ensures that men will grow
This is the first and most foundational building block of every aspect of your Christian life. It is the “One Thing.”
What is a love relationship with God?
By developing competent skills, knowing that you have an enemy who will try to stop you, and keeping yourself in an environment of accountability, you will help yourself to develop a lifelong habit of this.
What is a Quiet Time?
We know that God gave us the Scriptures to give us answers. It is the instruction manual on how to live life ________. If we don’t know the truth, we will mess up our own lives and the ones around us.
What is successfully?
This is the art of “thinking with purpose.”
What is meditation?
This was the last command that Jesus gave to his followers.
What is go and make disciples?
This daily skill needs to be developed if you are going to grow in your love relationship with God. This skill will take time and effort to develop, but will ultimately determine your success or failure.
What is a daily Quiet Time?
Just like healthy apple trees, this grows out of our intimacy and connectedness to Christ.
What is fruitfulness?
This is the second building block of discipleship.
What is being a man of the Word?
By developing your skills in meditation, it will greatly enhance your ability to become this, which is also the second building block of discipleship.
What is a “man of the Word?”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 tells us that “________ are better than ________, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.”
What is two are better than one?
These are the 3 different elements of the ABC’s of Quiet Time.
What is Ask Questions, Best Verse, and Communicate Back to God?
In Ecclesiastes 10:10, we are told that “If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but _______ will bring success.”
What is skill?
Different teaching and learning methods greatly affect our retention. Developing your skills in ______ and _____ on the Word will ensure that you can retain these truths most effectively.
What is memorizing and meditating?
This verse tells us that if we meditate on God’s word day and night that it will help us to be prosperous and successful.
What is Joshua 1:8?
This is important for men to grow spiritually, and few men walk with God for a lifetime without it.
What is accountability?
In order to develop a love relationship with God we must _______ _______ with him.
What is spend time?
2 Corinthians 11:3 says “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may be somehow led _____ from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
What is astray?
This method of teaching is the least effective method when it comes to measuring the rate of retention.
What is lecture?
Without meditation the Scripture tends to stay _____, rather than touching your heart, stimulating application and changing your life.
What is cerebral?
Just like a soldier, men need to be ______ and ______ with skills necessary to fight and end well.
What is trained and equipped?
These are the 5 different questions used in the Ask Questions portion of the ABC’s of Quiet Time.
Is there a commandment to obey? Is there a promise to claim? Is there a sin to avoid? Is there an application to make? Is there something new about God?
This chapter of the bible tells us that Christ is the vine and we are the branches. Whoever abides in Christ, and Christ in him, will bear much fruit, but apart from Christ we can do nothing.
What is John 15?
This the order you use when you are memorizing scripture?
What is Reference, Verse, Reference?
These are the three methods listed in Lesson 5 used to help a person meditate on Scripture.
What is the Ask Questions method, emphasizing different words method, and rewriting a verse in your own words?