SCA is an acronym for this prevailing wage.
Service Contract Act
(Now known as SCLS - Service Contract Labor Standards)
This FAR clause is applicable to contract by negotiation – Sole Source.
This item identifies and defines our policies and procedures.
Estimating System Requirements
Direct labor + the addition of fringe makes up this type of labor.
Burdened labor
This tab within the cost model will help you identify the rollup of all costs developed for the proposal.
Detail Summary Tab
The budgeted indirect books are located on this drive.
Operations drive
This section will identify how the Government intends to evaluate the proposal.
Section M
A glorious lookup formula in our template that exact matches a range to criteria.
CBA is short for this union directive.
Collective Bargaining Agreement
This FAR clause is applicable to commercial services – Competitive.
3 quotes for equipment and vehicles are an example of this type of information.
Backup/Supporting Documentation
The directory of occupations is the resource document for these types of labor categories.
Service Contract Labor Standards – SCLS (SCA)
This tab will allow you to identify items such as training costs.
Escalation source data for wages, health and welfare, and non-labor is found and substantiated from this website.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
This section identifies the instructions and conditions offerors will prepare the proposal in accordance with.
Section L
A scenario-based formula in our cost template that will allow up to 7 different scenarios.
If Statement
FAR is short for this Government direction of how to and why.
Federal Acquisition Regulation
This FAR clause calls for cost or pricing to be included with your proposal.
Sole source efforts will typically require submission of this piece of paper confirming all costs are current, accurate and complete.
Certificate of Cost or Pricing
This directive provides the offeror the number of sick days (PTO) given to a SCLS employee at 7 days/56 hours each year.
Executive Order 13706
This tab you will input SCLS (SCA) fringe amounts on for population to other tabs.
Rates Tab
Exempt wage data can be pulled from this paid subscription database.
ERI – Economic Research Institute
This section establishes the client, address, due dates, and solicitation number that is applicable to identifying the effort.
Section A
A formula to ensure dollars are stated in a whole number or 2 decimal places.
DCAA is the acronym for this “company”.
Defense Contract Audit Agency
This FAR clause references the service contract labor standards within a proposal.
This type of contract allows the contractor to bill the Government true, actual costs.
Cost Reimbursement contract
Loaded labor rates are made up of these costs.
Base Rate + Fringe + Indirects
WC cost by FTE is developed on this tab
Labor Rate Basis
The cost model templates are in this Business Development - Proposal Resources folder.
Proposal Templates
This section identifies the period of performance for the effort.
Section F
A formula in our template that enables the user to sum a range based on multiple criteria.
RFP spelled out is…
Request for Proposal
The detail summary tab within the cost model reflects this table from FAR part 15.408.
BSNC utilizes a total cost input methodology for this application.
Application of indirect rates
Total annual hours for an exempt full time equivalent (FTE) equal this number.
The naming convention of the internal cost model is in this format.
Subsidiary + Solicitation Title + INTERNAL
Workman’s compensation data, if unavailable, is available through this contact, and is then updated in the cost model template.
Kim Strong/Risk Management
This section will outline all the attached documents to the solicitation such as wage determinations, additional pricing sheets, workload data, etc.
Section J
This sign/icon in front of a letter or number creates a locked cell.
F4 or the $ sign