It is Darya's birthday (and year)
What is Nov. 28, 1998?
It's the city and state Darya lives in
What is Irving, TX?
It is her drink of choice (nonalcoholic)
It is her highest degree
What is MBA?
It is Darya's best friends
Who are Adella and Maggie?
It is Darya's shoe size
What is 8?
It's the car Darya drives
What is mercedes benz?
It's Darya's favorite tv show
What is Grey's Anatomy?
It's Darya's job title
What is senior pricing analyst?
It's Darya's childhood best friend
What is Mona Bitar?
It's Darya's nickname
What is Panbeh?
It's how old she was when she got her license
What is 22 years old?
It is Darya's favorite persian dish
What is Estamboli?
It's the bar Darya used to work at
What is skellig?
It's the reason Darya got sent home from Rome
What is broken ankle/falling off bed?
It is Darya's childhood hobby
What is dance?
It is the year she was baptized
What is 2018?
It is her drink of choice (alcoholic)
Dirty Martini, Vodka
It's the company Darya works at
What is McLane?
It is Darya's college roommates (4)
Liz, Alex, Adella, Maggie
It is Darya's college sport
What is Lacrosse/LAX?
It is the hospital she was born
What is Glendale Adventist?
It is Darya's favorite workout class
What is Barre?
It's Darya's covid job
What is New York Department of Labor?