What is Maddy's 'disease'?
Whats Olly's sister's name?
What are the two neighbors names?
Olly and Kara
When did she supposedly get sick?
When she was a baby.
Who wrote Everything, Everything?
Nicola Yoon
What is her full name?
Madeline Whittler
How did Olly reach out at first?
He wrote his email on the window.
What did the neighbors bring over the first time?
Bundt cake
Get a physical and get decontaminated
Coming to age because she finally falls in love and leaves her house.
Whats Maddy's favorite subject?
What was Olly wearing the first time they met?
Black t-shirt, black sneakers, black jeans, black knit hat
What is the father like?
He is an alcoholic and a abuser
What's another name for SCIDS?
Bubble baby disease
What could the bundt cake represent to Olly and Maddie?
What is Maddy's favorite room?
The sunroom
Where does Olly live?
Right next to Maddy in L.A.
What happened at the neighbor's house in order for Maddy to leave her house?
Mr. Bright was beating Olly up outside the house and Maddy couldn't handle it anymore.
Does Maddy have a stay-in-nurse to deal with her disease? What is her name?
What does the white room stand for?
It stands for everything neat in her life, organized and clean.
How old is she?
How long did Olly and Maddy wait before meeting again after the first time?
One week
Does Olly's family ever leave Mr. Bright?
Yes after Maddy and Olly leave and have to return because of her near-death incident they decide to leave him
Does she ever grow out of her disease?
She gets rediagnosed with not having SCID when she leaves
Whats another theme?
Follow your heart, because once she followed it she learns she wasn't sick and she was able to free.