Thematic Topics
Motifs and Symbols
Character Analysis
Writing Style+Author Biography
General summary and Persuasion

Deals with discrimination the most, shaping their overall character. 

Who is James? 


Usage of the motif of space. 

What is embodied by the characters and is a distraction for Nath? 


What Jack and Louisa bring to the story

What is Jack brings a source for Nath to direct his anger to and Louisa brings a source for James to be distracted from. What are coping mechanisms.


Author of the book.

Celeste Ng


The girl that dies in the lake due to the pressures she feels from her family.

Who is Lydia?


Name two thematic topics listed during the model presentation. 

What is discrimination, sexism, suicide, generational trauma, dependence vs. independence, secrets, and stress? 


What the motif of eggs/food supports (thematic topic)

What is the thematic topic of sexism and women's roles in society/expectations to live up to? 


Name Hannah's two prominent qualities, beginning with the letters O and K. 

What is observant and kind?


Celeste Ng's home of residence. 

What is Pittsburgh, PA?


How Jack feels about Nath. 

What is being in love? 


Definition of generational trauma.

What is the trauma experienced by ancestors that is passed down from generation to generation? 


The symbolism of the lake/water.

What is the lake symbolizes the results of lack of communication, dependency, and generational trauma?  What is the lake also symbolizes an escape route out of bad situations? 


Nath and James:close or not close? 

What is not close? 


Figurative language used.

What are motifs, symbols, and extended metaphors? 


Read the book. It is relatable to modern teens and their stress levels. 

What is ok, maybe, yes, or NO? 


What Ng is saying about discrimination (think of James here).  

What is discrimination against someone leads to isolation and lack of belonging, which can cause severe challenges in someone's life. 


Meaning of the fourth of July motif. 

What is the fourth of July motif represents the family's numerous communication issues, especially that with abandonment (Marilyn and James both leave on/right before this day)? 


Farthest planet from the sun (Lydia)

Who is pluto (Hannah)? 


Celeste Ng's age and birthday. 

What is July 30th, 1980, 43 years?


How Lydia feels about being the favorite.

What is Lydia feels pressured and stressed about being the favorite, feeling like she can't live up to her parents expectations and keep lying to them about her life while she suffers? 


What Ng is saying about secrets in families. 

What is secrets and lack of communication in families can lead to dysfunction and depression for all family members? 


What space symbolizes. 

What is space symbolizes distractions for Nath, and something that constantly updates, unlike the unconstant attention he gets from his father. 


The sun of the model, who everyone else revolves around for the most part. 



Celeste Ng uses this for emphasis. You use this when referencing a book.

What are italics?


Things that make you want to read this book based on what you've learned. 

What is 500 points added for any answer?