Cultural issues
Did you know
Undocumented immigrants
This character trait or behavior is said to be typical of Latino men in intimate relationships
What is infidelity? What is unfaithful?
Internalized oppression expresses itself through this.
What is self-invalidation? What is self-doubt? What is isolation? What is fear?
The greatest risk in attempting to self identify as white is that a Latino/a cannot control how others see them and white privilege will not be obtained despite it's desirability. The result has this disastrous affect on the individual.
What is Loss of ethnic familial identify without achieving ones desired identify? (complete loss of identity).
The primary means by which Latino/Latinas have been forced to perpetuate and agree to their own opression
What is Internalized oppression?
In the United states in 2005 this percent of foreign born population was estimated to be undocumented. a 30 percent b 65 percent c 90 percent
What is 30 percent?
Latinas are often thought to be?
What is promiscuous/ highly sexual
Because of the racial propaganda that all Latino/a immigrants on social service many people of this group will fail to do what.
What is applying for services / assistance when needed.
Because of the cultural belief that Latino men are unfaithful, many Latina will subconsciously do this?.
What is marry a non - Latino man?
In 1848 People of Mexian origin faced lynchings, land theft and virulent racism and later in times of depression were deported en masse. As a result of internalized oppression that occurred many Mexican-origin people learned to despise these
What are all things Mexican? What is Mexican culture and people?
In 2005 this percent of children born to immigrant families were born as U.S citizens. a . 15 percent b 35 percent c. 80 percent
What is c. 80 percent?
Both Mexican men and women are thought to be this
What is lazy
Because of being conditioned on many levels to believe that lighter skin is more desirable, Latino/as will try to one up one another by pointing out the fair skin or "whiteness" trait in their child or grandchild, a characteristic referred to as this in the Latin community.
What is guero/ guera?
Children of immigrants are at risk for poor performance in this area
What is academics
Undocumented immigrants constitute this ratio or percentage of the Latino population
What is 1/5th? What is 19 percent?
Across nationalities, children of immigrants, particularly when their parents are undocumented, are less likely to have this.
What is health insurance
strong or aggressive male pride thought to be characteristic of all Latino men
What is machismo?
Because of internalized racism in the Latino/a community nearly half of all Hispanics identify themselves as this.
What is white?
Compared with the documented immigrants, undocumented immigrants are more likely to do this in regards to culture.
What is exhibit higher levels of traditional values related to gender roles and family structure.
Three major stressors among Latino immigrants.
What are environmental, social/interpersonal and societal?
in 2005 this percent of children living in low income families were born into immigrant families. a 12 percent b. 28 percent c. 63 percent
What is b. 28 percent?
The diet of Latin men and women consists of this
What is Rice and Beans
Many manisfestations of internalized racism include behavior resulting from this feeling.
What is "envidia" or jealousy?
In the social environment created by restrictive immigration legislation, fear of this contributes the most to acculturative stress among Latino immigrants.
What is deportation?
currently, this percent of first generation Latino children live in poverty. a 22 percent b. 12 percent c. 34 percent
What is c. 34 percent