Pre-IEP Meeting Tasks
(It All Begins Here)
During the School Year (We Need More… or Maybe Less!)
Post-IEP Meeting (What Happens After?)
Extended School Year (ESY)
IEP Changes
(Nothing Stays The Same!)
District Meetings
Odds and Ends

This person is responsible for creating the District Meeting Recommendations Form at the start of the school year.

Who is the CLC School Secretary?


Before requesting a change in services, these parties should be consulted.

Who are the supervisor and student’s team?


Corrections to the IEP noted in the RED section must be completed within this time frame.

What is 24 hours?


ESY recommendations are based on this type of data.

What is regression data?


This form is used to recommend changes to goals or objectives during the school year.

What is the IEP Goal Change Request Form?


Describe a child’s progress toward goals using language that is ____________

What is “parent-friendly”?


The email containing due dates, forms, and guidelines is sent out by this individual.

Who is the Office Manager?


This document must be submitted when requesting a new one-to-one aide for a student.

What is the One-to-One Aide Planning Considerations and Recommendations Form?


The BLUE section is checked by this CLC faculty member to follow-up on the status of actions needed.

Who is the Social Worker?


The Regression Tool requires baseline data from this minimum number of sessions.

What is three?


For NYC students, this must be received before implementing any recommended changes.

What is the paper copy of the IEP?


Bilingual meetings should follow these guidelines for speaking and translating.

What is "Speak two sentences at a time and wait for translation"?


If a draft IEP is needed but not yet opened, faculty should contact this person.

Who is the supervisor/manager?


Need for a one-to-one aide is reviewed annually and reduced/discontinued to provide this type of learning environment.

What is least restrictive?


Team members must complete this document within 5 days to ensure accuracy and completeness of the IEP.

What is the IEP Review Gold Sheet?


If ESY is recommended, these two items should be included in the annual review report.

What is the Regression Data Form and a statement?


When a new student starts at CLC, team members will have this number of days to ensure that goals written by outside evaluators are meeting the student’s needs.

What is thirty?


This assessment is used for students with severe cognitive disabilities.

What is the New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA)?


For all students transitioning from CPSE to CSE and who will not be returning to CLC, goals and SPAMs are entered into IEP Direct by this person. 

Who is a district staff member?


Once a service recommendation is approved, the supervisor submits the required paperwork to this person. 

Who is the IEP Coordinator?


This CLC faculty member is responsible for reviewing the IEP section on “Management Needs”.

Who is the Educator?


This person has the final authority on ESY decisions.

Who is the Chairperson of the CPSE or CSE?


After a faculty member requests a goal change and gets approval from his/her supervisor, the IEP Goal Change Form is shared initially with ___________

Who are the other team members (all disciplines)?  


When placing progress marks in the first three quarters, “PS” in the annual is associated with what notation in the benchmark?

What is “A” for achieved?


A faculty member enters a summer goal into IEP Direct at this time.

When is after the IEP meeting approving summer services?


The IEP Coordinator submits the recommended change paperwork to the district and asks if the district prefers a meeting or discussion (Prior Written Notice) to perform this action.

What is amend the IEP?


After the team has reviewed the IEP, this person will give a correct IEP to the office to file or follow up with the district to make sure corrections are made.

Who is the IEP Coordinator?


If a student does not show regression but a clinician believes the student needs ESY services, the clinician may include any supporting data at the CPSE or CSE meeting as well as the clinician’s _________.

Professional/clinical opinion


This is the protocol for implementing any IEP changes.

What is waiting for district approval and finalizing the IEP?


An Exit Summary is completed by the special educator (with team input) in the student’s _____ year.

What is 21st?