Components of EBP
Levels of Evidence
PICO Format

This systematic approach to decision-making in healthcare combines the best available research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values to improve outcomes. 

What is the approach commonly known as? 

What is evidence-based practice?


What is the hierarchy of levels of evidence in evidence-based practice that ranges from high to low, reflecting the strength of research supporting interventions or treatments? 

What are the Levels of Evidence in Evidence-Based Practice? 


A method to structure and formulate a research question is through the PICO format. 

True or False?

What is True?


This type of research design is often considered the gold standard in scientific evidence, involving random assignment of participants to groups to test the efficacy of interventions. 

What is this research design called?

What is a randomized controlled trial (RCT)?


What is the level of evidence that includes insights from experts and detailed reports of individual cases, typically regarded as the lowest level of evidence?

What are expert opinion and case reports? 


What does the "P" in the Pico format stand for in evidence-based practice? 

What is a patient, population?


This aspect of Evidence-Based Practice involves taking into account the unique beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and personal goals of patients to guide healthcare decisions. 

What are patient values and Preferences? 


What type of study involves randomly assigning participants to intervention or control groups to assess the effects of an intervention?

What are randomized controlled trial (RCTs)?


What does the "I" in the Pico format stand for in evidence-based practice?

What is Intervention?


This component highlights the significance of a clinician's experience, education, and skills in interpreting research and making informed decisions and patient care. 

What is Clinical Expertise?


What type of observational study tracks a group over time to examine the impact of specific exposures on outcomes? 

What are Descriptive Studies? 


What does the "C the Pico format stand for in evidence-based practice?

What is a Comparison Intervention?


This component of Evidence-Based Practice emphasizes the need to consider the unique beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and personal goals of each patient when making healthcare decisions. 

What are Patient Values and Preferences?


What type of study analyzes data from a population at a specific point in time to investigate the relationship between variables?

What are Descriptive studies? 


What does the "O" in the Pico format stand for in evidence-based practice?

What is an Outcome of Interest?