Evidence, Consequences, Prediction 1
Evidence, Consequences, Prediction 2
Evidence, Consequences, Prediction 3
Evidence, Consequences, Prediction 4
Evidence, Consequences, Prediction 5

Fill in the blank.

“Every decision has a _______.”

1. Consequence

2. Opinion

3. Rumor

4. Truth

Consequence = The effects or results of our words and actions.


Feeling we have inside (ex. Sad, happy, excited)

1. Logic

2. Emotion

3. Hear say

4. Opinion



Helps us solve problems and make decisions 

1. Emotion

2. Logic

3. Thoughts 

4. Understanding



True or false?

It is okay to use any information to support your position, even if it's not related to the topic.

True or False (Circle One)



Dru thinks Payton ate her chocolate chip cookies. She found the wrapper in the trash can and Payton has chocolate around his mouth. Does Dru have enough evidence to support her claim? 

Yes or No (Circle One) 



Match the definition with the word. 

The effects or results of our words and actions.

1. Anaologies

2. Consequence

3. Evidence

4. Prediction


Match the definition with word. 

Hints or information in the story that help us make predictions.

1. Context

2. Clues

3. Rumors

4. Consquences

Clues = 

Hints or information in the story that help us make predictions.


Match the definition with the word.

Situation or events in the story.

1. Clues

2. Context

3. Hints

4. Consquences

Context = Situation or events in the story.


Match the word with the defintion.

Results we do not expect to happen.

1. Intended Outcomes

2. Unintended Outcomes

3. On purpose

Unintended Outcomes = Results we do not expect to happen


Match the word with the definition. 

To support with evidence. 

1. Answer

2. Opinion

3. Corroboration

4. Rumor

Corroboration = To support with evidence


When you react logically to a problem, you:

  1. Find a solution based on facts and reasoning

  2. Express your feelings without thinking.

  3. Ignore the situation and hope it goes away.

  4. React impulsively without considering consequences.

Find a solution based on facts and reasoning


When you react emotionally to a problem, you:

  1. Use critical thinking and analysis.

  2. Act based on your feelings without considering facts.

  3. Seek advice from others to make informed decisions.
  4. Evaluate the situation objectively and make a plan.

Act based on your feelings without considering facts.


Dana’s mom tells her to clean her room, but Dana wants to play outside. Dana decides to ignore her mom and to play outside instead. When her mom calls her inside, Dana hides because she knows she is in trouble. Dana is reacting ________________________ (emotionally? logically?) because

  1. Emotionally, she is avoiding a task she doesn't want to do.

  2. Logically, she is prioritizing outdoor play for a positive experience.

  3. Emotionally, she is following her feelings without thinking.

  4. Logically, she is strategizing to handle consequences effectively.

Emotionally, she is following her feelings without thinking.


In the early 1800s, settlers in New Spain were unhappy with Spanish rule and wanted independence. They fought in the Mexican War of Independence, and the new nation of Mexico was created in 1821. The Mexican government wanted people to settle on its lands, including Coahuila and Texas.

Were the reactions of the settlers who fought in the Mexican War of Independence emotional or logical?

  1. The settlers' reactions were emotional because they loved Spanish rule.

  2. The settlers' reactions were emotional because they felt unhappy with Spanish rule

  3. The settlers' reactions were logical because they didn't have any feelings about it.

  4. The settlers' reactions were logical because they wanted change and fought for independence.

The settlers' reactions were logical because they wanted change and fought for independence.


In the early 1800s, settlers in New Spain were unhappy with Spanish rule and wanted independence. They fought in the Mexican War of Independence, and the new nation of Mexico was created in 1821. The Mexican government wanted people to settle on its lands, including Coahuila and Texas.

Were the reactions of the settlers who were unhappy with Spanish rule and wanted independence emotional or logical?

  1. The settlers' reactions were emotional because they loved Spanish rule.

  2. The settlers' reactions were emotional because they felt unhappy with Spanish rule.

  3. The settlers' reactions were logical because they didn't have any feelings about it.

  4. The settlers' reactions were logical because they wanted change and fought for independence.

The settlers' reactions were emotional because they felt unhappy with Spanish rule.


Select all that match with Strong Evidence.

1. Clear

2. No clear

3. True

4. Directly related to the topic

5. Helps others believe in our ideas

1. Clear

2. True

3. Directly related to the topic

4. Helps others believe in our ideas


Select all that match with Weak Evidence.

1. Not Clear

2. Not True

3. Does not relate to the topic

4. Clear

5. Doesn't make our ideas strong

1. Not Clear

2. Not True

3. Does not relate to the topic

4. Doesn't make our ideas strong


When can you make predictions? Pick ALL That Apply that you can make PREDICTIONS. Multiple Answers.

A. Before reading             

B. During Reading 

C. After reading

D. Without reading

A. Before reading             

B. During Reading 

C. After reading


Fill in the blank with one of the terms listed below. 

Corroboration is to _______________ with evidence.

Explain                 Support                    Deny

Corroboration is to SUPPORT with evidence.


Match the word with the definition. 

Facts that prove something is true or false.

1. Guess

2. Evidence

3. Opinion

4. Rumor

Evidence = Facts that prove something is true or false.


Rafael and Gena are friends. They have been friends for a really long time. One day, Rafael bumps into Gena’s desk by accident. He says, “Sorry!” but all her books still fall to the ground. Gena starts yelling at Rafael in response.

This is a ____________________ (logical? emotional?) reaction, because… 

This is an Emotional reaction because Gena's response of yelling is driven by her emotions, likely frustration or annoyance, in reaction to Rafael accidentally bumping into her desk and causing her books to fall. The emotional response is immediate and might not be a calculated or reasoned action


Katie is sitting in class. She hears the students behind her whispering about her. She waits until class is over and then tells the teacher what happened. The teacher thanks Katie for telling her what happened.

This is a ____________________ (logical? emotional?) reaction, because… _____________________________________________________________________________

This is a logical reaction because Katie, upon hearing whispers about her, waits until an appropriate time (after class) and reports the incident to the teacher. Her response is a calculated and reasoned action, demonstrating a thoughtful approach to addressing the situation.


Place each statement in the correct order. 

Steps to Making Predictions.

A. Think about context

B. Make a prediction

C. Identify the clues




1. Identify the clues

2. Think about context

3. Make a prediction


Tom wants to persuade his classmates to recycle more. He brings in a bag of recycled items from his home, shows pictures of how recycling helps the environment, and tells a story about a park getting cleaner after people started recycling. Explain whether Tom has enough evidence to support his claim that recycling is important. Justify your answer.

YES, Tom has enough evidence to support his claim. He brings a bag of recycled items from home, shows pictures of how recycling helps the environment and tells a story about a park getting cleaner after people started recyling. 



Write what you are activities you look forward to doing for the summer.

minimum 15 words.  

Answer will vary