The Trial Process
Credibility and Impeachment
The Hearsay Rule
The Exclusionary Rule and Types of Evidence

Question: What is the first step in a criminal trial?

A) Jury deliberation

B) Opening statements

C) Presentation of evidence

D) Closing arguments

B) Opening statements


Question: Who is typically allowed to testify in court?

A) Only the defendant

B) Only expert witnesses

C) Anyone with relevant knowledge of the case

D) Only police officers

C) Anyone with relevant knowledge of the case


Question: Which of the following can affect a witness’s credibility?

A) Their physical appearance

B) Their prior inconsistent statements

C) The number of witnesses

D) The type of crime involved

B) Their prior inconsistent statements


Question: What is hearsay?

A) Any statement made in court

B) Out-of-court statements offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted

C) Any written document presented in court

D) An opinion given by an expert witness

B) Out-of-court statements offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted


Question: What does the exclusionary rule prevent?

A) Introduction of unreliable evidence

B) Admission of evidence obtained in violation of a defendant's constitutional rights

C) Use of character evidence

D) Admission of expert witness testimony

B) Admission of evidence obtained in violation of a defendant's constitutional rights


Question: During which stage of the trial are witnesses typically called to testify?

A) Pre-trial hearings

B) Closing arguments

C) Presentation of evidence

D) Jury instructions

C) Presentation of evidence


Question: What is the term for a witness who provides specialized knowledge to help the jury understand evidence?

A) Lay witness

B) Character witness

C) Expert witness

D) Eyewitness

C) Expert witness


Question: What is impeachment in the context of a trial?

A) Removing a judge from the case

B) Discrediting a witness’s testimony

C) Challenging the admissibility of evidence

D) A formal objection by an attorney

B) Discrediting a witness’s testimony


Question: Which of the following is an exception to the hearsay rule?

A) Statements made to police officers

B) Present sense impression

C) All written documents

D) Character evidence

B) Present sense impression


Question: Which of the following is considered direct evidence?

A) Eyewitness testimony

B) A suspect's fingerprints

C) A written confession

D) Circumstantial evidence

A) Eyewitness testimony


Question: Who decides questions of law during a trial?

A) The jury

B) The judge

C) The prosecutor

D) The defense attorney

B) The judge


Question: Which of the following is NOT a valid ground for impeaching a witness?

A) Showing bias or prejudice

B) Contradicting prior testimony

C) Proving a criminal record unrelated to the case

D) Demonstrating lack of perception or memory

C) Proving a criminal record unrelated to the case


Question: Which method is commonly used to impeach a witness’s credibility?

A) Calling an additional witness

B) Showing prior convictions for dishonesty

C) Presenting new physical evidence

D) Filing a motion to dismiss

B) Showing prior convictions for dishonesty


Question: Under the hearsay rule, which type of statement is generally inadmissible in court?

A) A statement made under oath

B) A confession

C) A spontaneous utterance

D) An out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter

D) An out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter


Question: What is the difference between direct and circumstantial evidence?

A) Direct evidence proves a fact directly, while circumstantial evidence requires inference

B) Circumstantial evidence is more credible

C) Direct evidence must be physical; circumstantial must be testimonial

D) Circumstantial evidence is not allowed in court

A) Direct evidence proves a fact directly, while circumstantial evidence requires inference


Question: What is the purpose of a cross-examination in a trial?

A) To introduce new evidence

B) To challenge the credibility of a witness

C) To deliver the closing arguments

D) To decide the verdict

B) To challenge the credibility of a witness


Question: What is "direct examination"?

A) Questioning of a witness by the opposing party

B) Questioning of a witness by the party who called them

C) An expert witness's testimony

D) The jury’s questioning of the witness

B) Questioning of a witness by the party who called them


Question: Under which circumstance can a witness's character for truthfulness be attacked?

A) When the witness is a defendant

B) When their credibility has not been questioned

C) Only when character evidence is admissible

D) Whenever the prosecutor requests it

C) Only when character evidence is admissible


Question: What is the “dying declaration” exception to the hearsay rule?

A) A statement made by someone who is terminally ill

B) A statement made by a witness in fear of death

C) A statement made by a person believing their death is imminent

D) A statement made by a person after recovering from a serious injury

C) A statement made by a person believing their death is imminent


Question: What is considered "fruit of the poisonous tree" in legal terms?

A) Evidence obtained from a confession

B) Evidence derived from an illegal search or seizure

C) Testimony given under duress

D) Evidence presented by a biased witness

B) Evidence derived from an illegal search or seizure


Question: What is a "motion for a directed verdict"?

A) A request to dismiss a case before the trial begins

B) A request for the jury to be sequestered

C) A request for the judge to rule in favor of one party without allowing the jury to deliberate

D) A request for a mistrial due to procedural errors

C) A request for the judge to rule in favor of one party without allowing the jury to deliberate


Question: What rule restricts the use of "leading questions" during direct examination?

A) Hearsay Rule

B) Best Evidence Rule

C) Federal Rule of Evidence 611

D) Exclusionary Rule

C) Federal Rule of Evidence 611

Leading Questions. Leading questions should not be used on direct examination except as necessary to develop the witness’s testimony. Ordinarily, the court should allow leading questions:

(1) on cross-examination; and

(2) when a party calls a hostile witness, an adverse party, or a witness identified with an adverse party.


Question: What is the legal term for statements made outside of court that are inconsistent with a witness's in-court testimony?

A) Collateral evidence

B) Prior inconsistent statements

C) Judicial notice

D) Exculpatory evidence

B) Prior inconsistent statements


Question: Which rule of evidence governs the admission of hearsay in federal court?

A) Federal Rule of Evidence 404

B) Federal Rule of Evidence 701

C) Federal Rule of Evidence 803

D) Federal Rule of Evidence 102

C) Federal Rule of Evidence 803


Question: Which type of evidence requires a judge to determine its admissibility based on a balancing test of its probative value against potential prejudice?

A) Hearsay evidence

B) Character evidence

C) Real evidence

D) Circumstantial evidence

B) Character evidence