Droplets that condense on very small particles of solid matter in the air and can be dust or salt from evaporating sea spray
What are condensation nuclei?
Decode: VRB03KT P6SM FEW030
What are variable wind direction at 3 knots, greater than 6 statue miles, few clouds at 3000 feet?
What is 700' AGL?
Gray or white, patchy clouds that usually extend over a wide area, produce light turbulence, and may contain supercooled water droplets
What are Altocumulus clouds?
An observation of surface weather that is reported in a standard format.
What is a METAR
A solid magenta line on a map indicates this airspace
What is Class C?
Looks like large mounds of cotton with billowing cauliflower tops and contain moderate to heavy turbulence with icing and often develop into thunderstorms.
What is a towering cumulus?
Decode: TM 1243/FL020/TB LGT CHOP
What is 1240Z, 2000ft, and light turbulence?
This is required before entering Class D airspace.
What is two-way radio communication?
What is sublimation?
For six or more hours in the future.
What is an outlook breifing?
The speed limit in Class E airspace below 10,000' MSL
What is 250 knots?
Clear ice or glaze ice forms as a result of these...
What are supercooled water droplets?
Issued every 6 hours with amendments issued, as necessary, for weather phenomena that are of operational interest to all aircraft.
What are AIRMETs (WAs)?
Class B airspace typically extends to this altitude.
What is 10,000 MSL?