This is the cause of all weather.
What is unequal heating of the earth's surface?
These are the three ingredients of a thunderstorm.
What is moisture, an unstable atmosphere, and a lifting force?
Clouds are grouped together in families based on this characteristic.
What is height range?
These are the two ingredients for aircraft icing.
What is visible moisture and temperature at or below freezing?
Air seeks out this type of pressure.
What is low pressure?
This line of latitude is typically the hottest region of the globe.
What is the equator?
This stage of a thunderstorm is the most intense.
What is the mature stage?
This prefix indicates a rain cloud.
What is Nimbus?
This type of ice is seethrough and typically freezes over a surface in a smooth coat.
What is clear icing?
The movement of wind in a high-pressure system.
What is downward, outward, and clockwise?
The perceived curve seen in wind blowing across the globe is caused by this phenomenon.
What is Coriolis Force?
This stage of a thunderstorm is recognized by primarily having updrafts.
What is the cumulus stage?
This dark, puffy cloud is usually the most dangerous type of cloud.
What is cumulonimbus?
This type of ice is opaque and forms in chunks on a surface.
What is rime icing?
The movement of wind in a low-pressure system.
What is upward, inward, and counter-clockwise?
This layer of Earth's atmosphere contains most of the weather.
What is the troposphere?
This weather phenomenon indicates a fully matured thunderstorm.
What is rain falling at the surface?
The little particles of matter that water vapor condenses onto in order to create visible moisture.
What is condensation nuclei?
These are liquid water droplets that are below freezing but have not frozen yet.
What are supercooled water droplets?
This type of breeze occurs when the wind blows inland from the ocean.
What is a sea breeze?
This is the name of the circulation cell nearest to the equator.
What is the Hadley Cell?
An anvil shape at the top of a thunderstorm indicates that it is at this stage.
What is the dissipating stage?
This fog occurs when warmer moist air moves over cooler ground or water. Hint: Relies on wind
What is advection fog?
List one of the basic anti/de-icing equipment types.
What is
This measurement refers to the amount of heat needed to cause a unit change in temperature in a given mass of material.
What is heat capacity?