A group of organisms that look alike and can reproduce amongst themselves
4 legged land mammal
List 2 factors that affect natural selection
Pollution, human actions, habitat loss, environmental changes
Who authored the theory of evolution during his trip to the Galapagos Islands?
What was the name of Darwin's ship
HMS Beagle
Traits that help an organism survive in its environment
What is interesting about the front flippers in Whales?
Same as humans- wrists, fingers and forearm
Explain overproduction
Each species produces more offspring than can survive
What is common descent?
All living things are related
Approximately what precentage of all species have gone extinct?
A change in the genetic code
What species is Whale DNA most similar to?
Why is genetic variation a key factor of natural selection?
Differences in traits will produce offspring that can survive in a wider range of environments allowing those better suited to survive
Why was the theory of common descent initially rejected?
Because it was thought that you could not get order and complexity from randomness.
How many different species are alive today?
8.7 million
Body parts that have the same basic structure
Homologous Structure
What are 2 anatomy features support that whales evolved from land mammals?
Placenta and live birth, feed milk, warm-blooded, breath air from lungs, hair, blow holes like noses.
What is meant by fittest in "survival of the fittest"
Those with the traits best suited to living and reproducing in that specific environment.
What is descent with modification?
Offspring have slightly different traits than parents.
What is the most common element in the human body? Carbon, Hydrogen, Calcium, or Oxygen
Body parts that seem to have no function
Vestigial Structure
What are three independent lines of evidence that support evolution?
Comparative anatomy, embryology, DNA analysis, Fossil records, Homologous structures, vestigial structures,
What are 4 of the 5 core ideas of natural selection?
1) overproduction
2) Struggle for existence
3) Variation
4) Survival of the fittest
5) Evolution of new species
Explain Lamark's theory of giraffe necks and why it was incorrect
Grew longer due to stretching out during lifetime. Wrong because actions during lifetime will not affect the DNA passed to offspring
Unlike most other fish, Shark have no _______
Liver, Bones, Gills, Heart, or Eyes