Who was Charles Darwin, and what did he do?
He was the scientist who went around the world on the H.M.S. Beagle and proposed the Theory of Evolution, which is still very well-supported to this day.
What is the definition of Evolution?
Change in allele/trait frequency within a population over generations
Give an example of CONvergent Evolution
Any example that includes two unrelated species evolving similar traits (ex: bats/birds; dolphins/fish; marsupials/placental mammals)
The Theory of Evolution is a scientific theory. What does it mean to be a scientific theory?
It is a testable and very well-supported explanation for how or why something happens.
What is the plural form of the word "moose"
Describe the process of Natural Selection.
Individuals with traits that allow them to better survive and reproduce tend to pass on their genes more often (have more offspring).
Bears have large muscles, big teeth, and sharp claws. What type of adaptation are all of these traits?
Peahens tend to prefer to mate with peacocks that have very brightly colored feathers and huge feather plumes. This causes peacocks in future generations to have brighter and brighter feathers with big plumes. Which cause (finger) of evolution is this?
Non-random mating / sexual selection / mate selection
What are analogous structures? Give an example.
Body parts from unrelated species that have DIFFERENT structures but accomplish the same or similar function.
Bird vs bug wings, mammal vs bug legs
What is a group of crows called?
A murder of crows
What is an adaptation?
Any inheritable trait that allows the individual to survive and reproduce better within its environment
Humans are considered warm-blooded because they are able to produce their own body heat through internal metabolic processes. What type of adaptation is this?
Describe the Founder Effect and how it affects allele frequencies within populations.
When a small subgroup of a population leaves to colonize a new place, the new population's allele frequency will likely not match what it was before. This change in allele frequency is evolution by definition.
What are the 4 categories of evidence we have to support the Theory of Evolution?
Fossils, anatomy (homologous/analogous/vestigial structures), embryology, and biochemical evidence.
Who was Alfred Russel Wallace
He wrote a short essay on evolution that prompted Darwin to publish his book
What is the difference between punctuated equilibrium and gradualism?
Punctuated equilibrium is the idea that natural disasters and other catastrophic events are what drive evolution.
Gradualism is the idea that the evolution happens slowly and steadily at a gradual pace
What is the word for the formation of a new species?
Average human body temperature used to be 98.6 degrees F, but over time, it has slowly been decreasing. It currently sits around 97.9 degrees F. What type of selection is this?
Describe how embryology supports the Theory of Evolution.
The more similar we predicted two species to be, the more similarly they develop as embryos.
What is the rarest blood type?
AB- (1%)
What are the 5 requirements for natural selection to take place? THIS IS NOT THE 5 FINGERS OF EVOLUTION!!
Hint: these were at the bottom of the second page of your notes.
Overproduction, Competition, Survival/Reproduction, Variation, and Adaptations
Explain how the adaptations in the finches of the Galapagos Islands allowed for survival.
Their beaks evolved to have shapes that better fit the food sources that were available on the islands
What are the five things that CAUSE evolution (five fingers). You do not need to say them in order, but you do need to briefly explain what each one is.
(1) Genetic drift- small populations are affected by random changes. (2) Non-random mating- mates selected based on traits. (3) Mutations- cause new alleles. (4) Gene flow- individuals leaving or entering population add or remove alleles. (5) Natural selection- better traits get passed on more.
Using this chart that shows the number of differences in the amino acid sequence for a certain protein in different species, determine which species is most closely related to species A.
E- Fewest differences
What was the name of the book that Darwin published?
"On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"