Patterns/types of evolution
Natural Selection/Darwin

Put the following in the order of which they came about 

- multicellular eukaryotes

- prokaryotes

- cooling of the earth

- photosynthetic prokaryotes

- oxygen in the atmosphere

- cooling of the earth

- prokaryotes

- photosynthetic prokaryotes

- oxygen in the atmosphere

- multicellular eukaryotes


Homologous structures are examples of this type of evolution.

Divergent evolution


Describe how Darwin's theory of natural selection would act on a population of giraffes 

Those with shorter necks will be less likely to survive and reproduce, whole giraffes with taller necks will be more likely to survive and reproduce, creating a new population of giraffes with taller necks over many generations.


How can we use DNA sequences to determine how closely related 2 species are?

The least amount of differences, the more recently we shared a common ancestor (more closely related).


Multiple versions of a phenotype within a population.



what makes a species a species?

They are able to mate successfully and have fertile offspring.


Describe gradualism

Small changes over long periods of time


Light colored oysters blend in with sand, dark colored blend with shadows, while intermediate colors are easily spotted by predators. What type of selection is going to act on this population? (stabilizing, directional, or disruptive)



Is competitive embryology evidence for convergent or divergent evolution?

Divergent evolution (descent from a common ancestor)


When two species that could reproduce do not based on different behaviors. For example the Western Meadowlark and Eastern Meadowlark have different mating calls therefore do not attempt to mate.

Behavioral Isolation


Why is the endosymbiotic theory important?

Explains how eukaryotes developed from prokaryotes. Explains how the mitochondria and chloroplast became functional organelles in cells.


The fig and the fig wasp are dependent on one another. The wasp is completely dependent on the fig for reproduction and pollinates the fig as it lays its eggs inside the fruit. When one of these species evolves, so does the other. This is an example of ___________.



Plants that are too short might struggle to compete for sunlight, while extremely tall plants could be more susceptible to wind damage, leading to selection for a moderate height. This is an example of (stabilizing, disruptive, or directional) selection



What do species with homologous structures have in common?

They share a common ancestor


A trait an organism has that increases its chance to survive and/or reproduce.



Name 2 trends that we noticed studying the history of earth

Anaerobic then aerobic, simple then complex, adaptive radiation and mass extinction, low biodiversity then high biodiversity.


Echidnas and porcupines have evolved sharp spines as a defense mechanism, even though they are different types of mammals. They do not share a common ancestor. This is an example of what type of evolution?

Convergent evolution


Explain how natural selection can lead to biological resistance such as herbicide resistance or antibiotic resistance.

When an herbicide (or antibiotic) is applied to a population of plants (or bacteria) all die except for those who have an adaptive mutation that makes them resistant. They survive and reproduce. 


What do analogous structures have in common?

Common function, not a recent common ancestor


A random event that drastically decreases population size. Drift often reduces genetic diversity. The 2 types of _________  _________ are bottleneck effect and founder effect

Genetic drift


Provide 2 pieces of supporting evidence for the endosymbiotic theory.

Double membrane, reproduce independently, have their own DNA.


Describe how punctuated equilibrium is different than gradualism.

gradualism: small changes over long periods of time. Punctuated equilibrium: rapid change in a population, largely to to environmental changes.


On a white board draw a model of directional selection. *Hint: y-axis in # of individuals, x-axis is trait variation*

Draw on whiteboard


Tell me what a vestigial structure is AND provide 2 examples of vestigial structure found in humans.

A structure that is present but no longer functions. It is evidence of divergent evolution.

Ex: Tail bone, appendix, wisdom teeth, body hair, muscles that move our ears


Speciation in which a common ancestor rapidly divergents into many different species.  (E.g. Darwin’s finches).

Adaptive radiation