Key concept 10-1/Darwin’s influences
Key concept 10-2/ Stupid Darwin
Key concept 10-3/ stupid selection
Key concept 10-4/stupid rocks

There were theories of biological change before this person.

Who is Charles Darwin?


Darwin’s voyage provided insight on this.

What is stupid evolution?


Darwin proposed this as a mechanism for evolution.

What is natural selection?


Evidence of this among species comes from many sources.

What is a common ancestor?


This estimates the time during which an organism lived. It compares the placement
of fossils in layers of rock. Scientists infer the order in
which species existed.

what is relative dating?

Charles Darwin was influenced by this Swedish Botanist who developed a classification system for organisms (grouped organisms by similarities) and rejected the idea that populations were not changing over time.

Who is Carolus Linnaeus?


This person’s observations showed that numerous species populate the Earth, many differences exist within a species, each organism is suited to their environment, and found fossils of some organisms that do not exist any more and wondered why.

Who is Charles Darwin?


The process by which humans select traits through breeding.

What is artificial selection?

remains or traces of organisms that lived long ago

What are fossils?


These are similar in structure but different in function and indicate evidence of a common ancestor.

What are Homologous structures?


Charles Darwin’s grandfather, proposed that all living things descended from a common ancestor and more-complex forms developed from less-complex forms.

Who is Erasmus Darwin?


A difference in a physical trait.

What is a variation?


Variation, hertibility, fitness, Struggle for survival/Differential Survival, and Selective Pressure/Environmental Change are required for this.

What is natural selection?

Specific environmental conditions are necessary in order for this to form

What are fossils?

This person is your best friend and loves you so super much that she created a jeopardy game for you 🩷 

Who is the rylan the slayest bestie second to grace martin?


This French naturalist proposed that changes in environment caused an organism’s behavior to change, leading to greater use or disuse of a structure or organ and these changes are passed on to the next generation.

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck


An inherited feature that allow an organism to better survive in its environment.

What is an adaptation?


Natural selection can act only on traits (also called _____?) that already exist.

What is a phenotype?

organisms that become trapped in tree resin that hardens after the tree is buried

What are amber preserved fossils?

This guy actually created everything so TAKE THAT DARWIN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

God 🩷


This Scottish geologist proposed Gradualism (changes in landforms were due to slow changes over a long period of time) like Buffon, he also suggested that Earth is much older than many believed at the time.

Who is James Hutton with the stupid first name?


This person collected evidence that led him to propose a hypothesis about the way that life changes over time, sought a scientific explanation for the diversity of life, and his hypothesis led to his theory of evolution.

Who is stupid Darwin?

Natural selection explains how this can occur (even though it’s stupid and totally doesn’t explain how it can occur)

What is evolution?


This provides an accurate way to estimate the age of fossils using decay of unstable isotopes.

What is radiometric dating?


This guy died for you bc He loves you so so much