What is Probability
Origin of Probability
Evolution of Probability
Use of Probability
True or False: Probability is the chance that something will happen
What is true ?
Gambler in 17th Century who wanted to know why when he changed his bet he started losing
Who is Chevalier de Mere ?
Carl Gauss introduced what is now known as _______ distribution and the ______ ________ distribution.
What is the Gaussian distribution and the normal probability distribution?
The likelihood of getting shocked by lightning.
What is unlikely?
Chevalier de Mere's original bet.
What is he made money by betting that he could roll at least one 6 in four rolls with one die ?
The probability of the opposite of what you want to find is called the ______.
What is complement ?
2 co-founders of probability
What is Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat ?
________ ___________ wrote Calculating in Games of Chance.
Who is Christiaan Huygens?
Name 2 places where probability is used.
What is (answers may vary) some are if you win the lottery or not, chances of getting struck by lightning, random number generator rolls, spinners (etc).
Chances of winning a lottery.
What is highly unlikely?
Two ways that probability can be expressed as.
What is fractions and decimals ?
Pascal's arrangement to find a solution took the shape of a _________ and it is now called _________.
What is a triangle, now called Pascal’s triangle?
Name of unfinished book by Jacob Bernoulli
What is Ars Conjectandi?
True or False: Probability is used in weather forecasts.
What is true ?
Probability of picking a blue marble if there are 7 blue and green marbles in a bag with 4 blue and 3 green.
What is 4/7 or 4 out of 7?
Fill in the Blanks: Events are____,______, ______ ______ to occur,_______, or______.
What is events are likely, unlikely, equally likely to occur, impossible, or certain. (Different order is acceptable)
The reason that Chevalier de Mere started losing money.
What is since he changed his bet which made the chances of it occurring less probable?
Georges-Louis Leclerc (Comte de Buffon) created an example of ________ probability in _______.
What is geometric probability in 1777?
True or false: Monopoly does not use probability
What is false it does since it involves the usage of random number generators ?
Name all 4 types of probability.
What is experimental probability,geometric probability, conditional probability, theoretical probability?
What is ONE way to calculate probability?
What is either divide the number of favorable outcomes of an event by the total number possible outcomes OR by using the row of Pascal's triangle with the number of attempts that you are going to do the event.Using Pascal's triangle, someone can find the number of ways of choosing x items from a set of y items by looking at the xth number on the yth row of the triangle.
Year that Chevalier de Mere began losing money and asked Blaise Pascal about his problem with his losses.
What is 1654?
In the 20th Century a mathematician, Andrey Kolmogorov developed the first rigorous approach to probability in ____ in his book Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnun which means _______ ___ ___ ________ ____ __________
What is in 1933 and what is the Foundations of the Calculus of Probability.
Name 5 ways probability is used in daily life.
What is (answers may vary) some are if you win the lottery or not, chances of getting struck by lightning, random number generator rolls, spinners (etc).
Probability of a blue marble being picked out of a bag full of red marbles.
What is 0?