This allows an organism to blend in with its environment, allowing it to survive and then reproduce
All of geologic time has been broken down into segments, often determined by mass extinctions. What is this calendar called?
What is the ancestor of dogs?
Wild wolves
When you hear this from Ms. Sharp, you should be quiet, in your seat, and paying attention.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0" definitely by zero
What were the islands called that Darwin famously visited to start his belief in natural selection?
the Galapagos Islands
Uniformitarianism says that geologic processes that occur today are _____________ to those that have occurred in the past.
Insects or very small animals might be fossilized in this, also known as hardened tree sap.
Do all organisms evolve drastically over the years?
No, not all animals.
Which bathroom and water fountain are you supposed to use every time?
8th grade location by the cafeteria
This type of selection occurs when certain traits make an organism more likely to survive and to reproduce, making the trait more prominent in the population.
Natural Selection
What are the layers in rocks called?
Where are the oldest fossils found?
Deeper into the Earth/ lower layers of the Earth
An inherited trait that increases an organism's reproductive success because it is able to survive better or attract a mate better
If you are waiting for the rest of the previous class to exit the classroom, where should you and your classmates wait? (location and order/structure)
In a single file line against the lockers/wall.
An armadillo rolling up into a ball to protect itself is an example of a
Behavioral Adaptation
When looking at the layers of the earth, _________ dating gives scientists an understanding of the timing of geologic events, but not exact.
What is the 'history of life' as documented by fossils called?
the Fossil Record
What might cause an organism to evolve? Give at least 2 reasons.
Changes in climate, predators, environmental conditions
If you do not turn in an assignment the day of, how many days do you have to complete it or redo it for full credit? For partial credit?
3 school days, one week
What is the book called that Charles Darwin wrote?
On the Origin of Species
When rocks are superimposed, or laid down on top of each other, the oldest layer is at the bottom. This is called the Law of __________.
There is a national park focused on this type of fossil: rock-like minerals that seep in and replace the hard and soft parts of an organism, most often seen in trees. What type of fossil is it?
What are the species called that connect ancient species to species we see today?
When Ms. Sharp is speaking to someone else, a student or adult, how should you wait your turn? 3 parts: volume, location, and distance.
Quietly, in line or at your seat w/ a hand up, 5ish feet away from privacy and personal space