8.E.2.1 Age of Earth
8.E.2.1 Continued
8.E.2.2 History of Earth
8.L.4.1 Evolution
8.L.4.2 Genetic Variation
How is sedimentary rock formed?
A. from magma B. when sediment accumulates in layers and over time hardens into rock C. from heat and pressure deep within the earth
What is the Law of Superposition?
This law states that in an undsiturbed rock bed, oldest layers are on the bottom and younger layers are on top.
How old is Earth?
A. 2,000 years B. 100 million years C. 4.5 billion years
What is evolution?
A process of change.
What is extinction?
Extinction is the process in which groups of organisms die out. A species goes extinct if it is not able to adapt to changes in it's environment, or compete effectively with other organisms
Where would you expect to find fossils that resemble species we currently have on Earth?
A. in the oldest, bottom layer of a rock column B. in the middle layer of a rock column C. in the top, youngest layer of a rock column
Carbon-14 (radioactive dating) is an example of which of the following? A. absolute dating B. relative dating C. age dating
What do ice cores tell us?
A. that Earth's climate has never changed B. that Earth's climate has changed C. that Earth has only been around for 100 million years
What is the Theory of Evolution and who is a major contributor to this theory?
The Theory of Evolution states that life began billions of years ago, when a group of chemicals organized themselves into a self-replicating molecule. This tiny molecule gave rise to everything that has ever lived on the planet. Different and more complex organisms grew from this simple beginning through mutation of DNA and natural selection. A major contributor was Charles Darwin.
What are some examples of traits?
Eye color, hair color, resistance to disease, habitat range, etc. *BONUS CANDY* Can you think of a trait we have not discussed?
What can fossils tell us?
Fossils provide important evidence of how life and environmental conditions have changed.
What is the difference between relative age and absolute age?
Relative age is relating the age of one rock layer to another. Layer A is older than layer B. Absolute age is giving a definitive age for a rock layer. Layer A is 65 million years old.
What is the geologic time scale?
A scale that divides Earth's history into different periods of time.
What is the Theory of Plate Tectonics?
This theory states that Earth's plates were once connected (called Pangaea) and over time drifted apart to where they are today. This happens because of the convection currents in the mantle of Earth.
What is an example of a homologous structure?
A bat wing, human forearm, and dolphin fin because all have similar bones indicating we evolved from a common ancestor.
What is erosion?
Erosion is the geological process in which Earth's surface is worn down by natural forces like running water, wind, glaciers and waves.
What is an index fossil?
A fossil that existed for a short, specific amount of time and can be used to date the age of the rock around it. Example is a trilobite.
How are metamorphic rocks formed?
They are formed when rocks that already exist are changed by heat and pressure into new kinds of rocks.
How does an adaptation allow a species to survive?
A. all species with non-beneficial traits or adaptations will become extinct B. by selecting a beneficial, naturally occurring variation in a population C. both a and b
How can we determine from studying a rock column that an animal became extinct?
Because that animal would cease to exist. It would be present in the rock layer from 65 million years ago and then we would not find it in the layer that is 66 million years old.
How do tectonic plates move?
Through convection currents in the mantle. The magma in the mantle moves in a cirular motion which moves the litospheric plates that are floating on top, much like a boat moves that is sitting on top of the water.
Name an event in history that was impacted by an asteroid hitting Earth.
The extinction of the dinosaurs (known as the Asteroid Theory). This theory states that 65 million years ago a large asteroid hit Earth causing large spread fires which led to a thick layer of smoke that blocked out the sun.
How are igneous rocks formed?
They are formed by the cooling and hardening of hot molten rock from inside the earth.
How do plate tectonics affect life on Earth?
Organisms that were best adapted to deal with climatic, geographic and environmental changes throughout time have survived, while other organisms have become extinct. The movements of the plates cause changes in climate, in geographic features such as mountains, and in the types of living things in particular places.
What do the geologic time scale and rock layers have to do with each other?
Rock layers contain fossils which gives us clues about the age of the earth. The geologic time scale puts these fossils in order of their appearance and disapperance on Earth.