Looking at differences in DNA and amino acids
What is biochemistry?
organisms have different ancestors and evolve in similar environments
what is convergent evolution?
survival of the fittest
What is another name for Natural selection?
same function, different anatomy
What are analogous structures?
Eukarya, Archaea, Bacteria
Organisms that have similar embryos could have a similar ancestor.
What is embryological evidence?
organisms evolve together, adaptations in response to each other
selection against extreme values and favors intermediate variants
what is stabilization?
Structures that have a decrease in function over time
What are vestigial structures?
The genus of a dog
What is Canis?
Organisms living within the same environment may have similarities in physical appearance
What is biogeography?
same ancestor, different environments
what is divergent evolution?
extreme traits are favored
same anatomy, different function
what are homologous structures?
Protists, monerans, fungi, plants, and animals
shows how living things have changed in earth's history
what do fossil records show?
a change in allele frequency in a population
genetic variation and struggle for existence.
what increases natural selection?
bird wings, human arms, and whale flippers
what are examples of homologous structures?
Archaea and bacteria
What two domains are prokaryotes?
Came up with the theory of evolution.
Who is Charles Darwin?
Long term changes within a species
what is macroevolution?
A single phenotype is favored causing a shift in allele frequency
what is directional selection?
bird wings and butterfly wings
what are examples of analogous structures?
Made up of single celled organisms that live in harsh conditions
what is archaea?