Darwin's observations
Evidence for Evolution
Trends in Evolution
Natural Selection

What is the difference between a Theory and Hypothesis?

Hypothesis is an untested explanation.

Theory is a tested explanation supported by facts.


Darwin was 22 years old when he got a job as a ____________ on the HMS Beagle headed to __________ _________________ to map the southern coastline.

What is Naturalist and South America.


Relatives / biological families have shared characteristics - both on the inside and outside. This method can be used to determine if species are related based on key physical features.

What is Anatomical.


A closely related group of organisms look different because they inhabit different environments. This type of evolution is called ______________.

What is Divergent.


What are the four parts to the process of Natural Selection, first described by Charles Darwin (and Wallace), in order.

What overproduction, variation, adaptation, and fitness.


Why does a Theory never become a Fact - or the reverse - why does a Fact never become a Theory.

Facts are things that happen in the natural world. Theories explain WHY the facts happen the way they do.  

A good theory can also predict future facts and the outcomes of future events based on present facts.


When Darwin visited the tropical rain forests of the Amazon Jungle he observed that there was a GREAT __________________ of life.

What is Diversity


Leftover parts that show ancestry but no longer help nor harm the species.

What is Vestigial structures.


Two unrelated species evolve similar forms (may even look related) because they inhabit that same or similar environments (so they are under the same selective pressures). This type of evolution is called...

What is Convergent.


Define the term Adaptation in an evolutionary sense.

What is "inherited characteristics that allow one to survive and reproduce in their environment" or - variations that are better suited to their environment than others. Does not count if you infer that an organism or even a population changes within it's lifetime.


In science, conclusions come last based on what?  

Evidence, experiments, data...


What small group of islands did Darwin visit that contained a number of unique species to just those islands?

What is The Galapagos Islands.


Define what a Homologous Structure is...

features found in different organisms that share a similar structure but have different functions.


Darwin discovered the mechanism (or method) that drove evolution in nature - and he termed it __________________ _______________.

What is Natural Selection.


Two words to define FITNESS



List the 6 steps to the Scientific Method in the correct order.

1. Make an observation.  2. Ask a question.  3. Propose a hypothesis.  4. Test and Experiment.  5. Analyze data / results.  6. Conclusion yo.

7. Communicate Results


Darwin found fossils of ____________ __________ that closely resembled species that existed in the present day.  This led him to conclude that species ____________ over time.

What are gigantic, large or just big a##, extinct mammals. I will take extinct mammals.

Change over time...


This image is best described as an example of what type of evidence for evolution.

What is Developmental similarities


Name a species (or rather two) of animal that are examples of divergent evolution.

Instructor discretion...



Or Biological Evolution to be correct.

The process of the biological change by which descendants come to differ from their ancestors over time.

A change in gene frequency within a population over time.

Give the definition of SCIENCE.

The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural work through observation and experimentation.


What did Darwin study when he returned from the Galapagos Islands to better understand how species can change over time?

What is...

Artificial Selection


This method is used to age date rocks to tell how old fossils are in the rocks they are contained in (or adjacent to). This method has also been used to calculate the age of the Earth, which is ___________________ years old.

What is Radioactive age dating and 4.5 billion years old.


Name two species of animal that are examples of convergent evolution.

Instructor discretion is allowed here...


What is the difference between Natural Selection and Evolution?

What is Evolution takes time...Natural Selection happens at each generation. Natural Selection + Time = Evolution.