natural selection
other changes
the smallest unit that can evolve or go through natural selection.
What is a population.
One piece of evidence that Darwin used to develop his theory of natural selection were these things being dug up all over the planet.
What are fossils.
the original source for all genetic variation on the planet is from...
What is mutations
You looked at fossil tracks and tried in interpret what happened in the past. The act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true but maybe not directly observable is called.....
What is inference, or inferring
If one base pair gets replaced, lost, or inserted.
What is a point mutation.
A genetic variation that helps an organism survive better is called...
What is an adaptation.
A big part of Darwin's theory hinged on the fact that if humans could pick or select certain traits that be passed on in animals and plants, why couldn't mother nature. Creating different dog breeds from the wolf is an example of this evidence.
What is artificial selection OR selective breeding
Name something that promotes or sustains genetic variation in a population.
What is sexual reproduction, independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis, random fertilization, crossing over during meiosis, OR 'outbreeding'
In the lab you compared and searched for differences between several species using amino acid positions in a protein (as a result of the DNA code). According to the lab, with regard to the hemoglobin protein, who is our closest relative? The gorilla, the chimp, the kangaroo, or the horse?
What is chimp.
When base(s) get switched or swapped
What is a substitution.
One of Darwin's inferences for how natural selection worked, in addition to, competition and variations within populations, is ..... Think: Why does and oak tree make more acorns than will ever germinate...
What is overproduction. species will have more offspring than will survive.
What are some homologies or aspects of different organisms that can be compared in order to determine evolutionary relationships?
What is DNA code/amino acid sequence in a protein, morphologies/anatomy.
name one isolating mechanism that may prevent populations or even similar species from mating or hybridizing thus promoting speciation.
What is mechanical, reproductive, temporal, behavior, habitat or geographical isolation.
In the lab we had a competition to see which beak (tool) could pick up the most food in 1 minute. The point of this lab was for you to see that for Darwin's theory to work there must be _______ between those in the population.
What is a struggle for existence or competition.
When an extra base or bases get added.
What is insertion.
If there is genetic variation, overproduction, competition in a population, Darwin argued this will lead to...
What is differential reproductive success, increased fitness to the winner, adaptations...
Darwin argued that there are structures no longer used that are remnants from our previous ancestors. These structures are called.
What are vestigial structures.
movement of individuals from one population to another (immigration/emigration) may cause change in a population, this is called...
What is gene flow
What happened to the peppered moth population after the Industrial revolution in England?
What is directional selection= darker moths
When whole pieces of chromosomes break off and flip the other direction.
What is inversion.
The driving force of evolution is...
What is natural selection
The strongest evidence for Darwin's theory of natural selection did not exist while he was still alive. what is it?
What is DNA, universal genetic code
name one random way that populations may change over time? think natural disasters or emigration.
What is bottleneck effect or founder effect. Either is a type of genetic drift.
Draw a phylogenetic tree using the following data difference found in a protein that was sequenced: rat had 5 differences when compared to a bat bat had 12 differences when compared to a bird.
What is bat and rat on the same branch.
When a piece of chromosome breaks off and attaches to a different chromosome.
What is a translocation.