Who proposed the idea that evolution occurs through natural selection?
Charles Darwin
Described plants used for medicinal purposes in Living Pictures of Herbs
Otto Brunfels
Define Kind
An originally created type of organism
Define Spontaneous Generation
The idea that living things came from nonliving things
Why is the Protestant Reformation important?
It began the birth of Modern Science
French Zoologist Who founded the study of comparative anatomy?
Georges Cuvier
Helped found the Philosophical College and a leading member of the Royal Society.
John Wilkins
Define Biblical principles
The foundation of Modern Science
Define Vestigial Organs
What does Pakicetus mean?
German professor from Tubingen who wrote the Natural History of Plants
Leonhard Fuchs
Roman statesman who wrote about evidence of design in the universe
Define Uniformitarianism
The false idea that the present is the key to the past.
Define Natural Selection
Idea that states that a type of organism that survives better than another type will become predominant.
Define Specified Complexity
The idea that information must have meaning and cannot occur by chance
Wrote Principles of Theology
British Theologian who wrote Natural Theology
William Paley
Define the Orchard View
View of life that teaches that living things have limited variation within an originally created species.
Define Speciation
The formation of new organisms within a kind
What is the French Academy of Sciences?
Scientific organization founded in 1666, and was supported by Huguenots and Jansenists.
Published his detailed descriptions of human anatomy in Fabrica
Andreas Vesalius
English physician who discovered blood circulation
William Harvey
Define Materialism
Define Punctuated Equilibrium
The idea that evolution occurs in rapid bursts separated by long periods of time
Define Homology and provide and example
A similarity of structure between two different living things.
ex) forelimbs