Natural selection
homologous structures
Kettlewell’s experiment
In science, theories are: A. an educated guess B.a known fact C.absolute and unchangeable D.the best explanation for a set of data or observations
What is the best explanation for a set of data or observations
Which of the following is a human adaptation to survive in cold temperatures? A. You turn the thermostat up B. You grow hair to insulate your head C. You cozy up under a blanket with a warm cup of hot chocolate D. You put on your coat
What is B. You grow hair to insulate your head
Which of the following is an example of homologous structures? A.Whale hip bones. B.Embryos of fish and birds both make gill slits. C.Mice and chicken differ by only 25 amino acids when they make hemoglobin protein. D.Rabbits and birds have the same bones in the same order in their forelimbs, even though they use them for different purposes.
What is Rabbits and birds have the same bones in the same order in their forelimbs, even though they use them for different purposes.
why are they called "peppered moths?
What is because their light wings are "peppered" with small dark spots
Which of the following are fossils? A. pollen grains buried in the bottom of a peat bog B. the petrified cast of a clam's burrow C. the impression a clamshell made in mud, preserved in mudstone D.an insect leg sealed in plant resin E. all of the above
What is all of the above
The finches on the Galapagos island were similar in form except for variations of their beaks. Darwin observed that these variations were useful for: A.attracting a mate B.defending territory C.building nests D.gathering food
What is gathering food
Which of the following is not a principle that Darwin identified to affect Natural Selection? A. Overproduction B. Adaptation C. Variation D. Replication
What is D. Replication
Same structure, different function Homologous or Analogous
What is Homologous
What did Kettlewell figure out when he studied the English Peppered Moths? A.Moths can choose to change color if they want to. B.Moths usually move away from areas with pollution. C.The trees changed colors to prevent moths from resting on them. D.Natural selection was responsible for the change in color of the population of moths.
What is Natural selection was responsible for the change in color of the population of moths.
Fossils are found mostly in which type of rock ? A: Igneous rock B: Sedimentary rock C: Metamorphic rock
What is B: Sedimentary rock
The strongest evidence for change over a long period of time comes from: A.DNA B.fossils C.embryo studies D. direct observation of living species
What is fossils
According to Darwin's theory of natural selection, individuals who survive are the ones best adapted for their enviroment.Their survival is due to the? A. Possession of inherited adaptations that maximize fitness B.Competing with other species C.Adaptation to their habitat D.Dawin's theory of natural selection
What is Possession of inherited adaptations that maximize fitness
Bat wing and butterfly wing Homologous or Analogous
What is Analogous
During the Industrial Revolution in Britain, many new factories were built which released dark clouds of smoke into the air. Dark grey moths survived attacks by birds more often than their light grey neighbors. Over time, light grey moths disappeared from the area. This change in population is an example of: A.Selective breeding B.Natural selection C.Genetic engineering D.Cloning
What is Natural selection
The study of fossils has allowed scientists to A.Describe the details of the process by which life began on Earth B.Study present ocean temperatures at different depths C.Analyze the chemical composition of sedimentary rocks and minerals D.Describe past environments and the history of life
What is Describe past environments and the history of life
Suppose we draw a phylogenetic tree based upon DNA structure. Which of the following pairs of organisms do you think would be placed most closely together? a) humans (homo sapiens) and chimpanzee (Pan troglodites) b) dog and a robin c) tuna fish and starfish d) whale and tuna fish e) Geospiza conirostris and Geospiza scandens
What is e) Geospiza conirostris and Geospiza scandens
Which of the following describes camouflage? A. A Viceroy Butterfly looks like a Monarch, so Blue Jays are less likely to eat them. B.A Snowshoe Hare changes its fur color from brown to white to blend in with the snow during the winter. C.Blue-footed Boobies do a dance to attract mates. D.A Spotted Salamander has bright yellow spots to warn predators that it is toxic.
What is A Snowshoe Hare changes its fur color from brown to white to blend in with the snow during the winter.
Your arm is homologous with A. a seal flipper B. an octopus tentacle C. a bird wing D. a sea star arm E. both a and c
What is both a and c
Which of the following statements likely describes what would have happened to British peppered moth populations after the Industrial Revolution if pollution laws would _not_ have been enacted? A.The light morph would have died off completely. B.The dark morph would have increased until it was much more frequent than the light morph, but some light morphs would have survived. C.The dark morph would have died off completely. D.The light and dark morphs would have reached equilibrium, that is, the population would have been made of about 50% of each.
What is The dark morph would have increased until it was much more frequent than the light morph, but some light morphs would have survived.
Survival of the Fittest and Evolution were proposed by what scientist? A.Charles Darwin B.Albert Einstein C.Steven Hawking D.Isaac Newton
What is Charles Darwin
Which of the following is/are key features of the theory of evolution? A: Each species produces more offspring than can survive. B: Offspring compete with one another for limited resources. C: Organisms in populations are genetically unique. D: Offspring with the most favorable traits are the most likely to survive and pass on their genes. E. All of the above
What is E. All of the above
In Origin of Species, Darwin explained that new species must occur by means of A.Selective Breeding B.Intelligent Design C.Natural Selection D.Evolution
What is Natural Selection
_______________ are similar anatomical features in different species that do not have a known common ancestor. a) analogies b) homologies c) homologous structures d) b or c
What is a) analogies
Which of these statements is true about the peppered moth's role in industrial melanism? A.It is still being studied today. B.It is a rare example of how Charles Darwin was wrong about 'survival of the fittest.' C.It is a classic example, one that has over the years proven to be absolutely true. D.It is an ecological example of how humans and nature can coexist with neither affecting the other.
What is It is still being studied today.
Which object would most likely become a fossil? A. A shark tooth B. A pine needle C. A large jellyfish
What is A. A shark tooth