Physical and Chemical Changes
Earth Science
Life Science

What is Physical Change?

What is a change that can be undone


Rocks are made up of minerals. True or False

What is true

What is it called when a plant makes its own food? 

What is Photosynthesis


Which of these best completes the circuit?

1. rubber band

2. metal nail

3. leather shoelace

4. wooden toothpick

What is a metal nail


The way in which a living thing acts or responds to its surroundings

1. instinct

2. behavior

3. rule

4. inherited trait

What is behavior


What is chemical change?

What is changes that can not be undone


Which of the following is not an example of reduce, reuse, recycle?

  1. Using worn-out clothes for rags.
  2. Refilling plastic water bottles.
  3. Throwing old toys in the trash can.
  4. Taking aluminum cans to the school recycling center

What is 3. Throwing old toys in the trash can.


What does a plant need to make its own food?

1. sunlight, water, carbon dioxide

2. sunlight, water, soil

3. sunlight, water, oxygen

4. sunlight, oxygen, carbon dioxide

WHat is sunlight, water, carbon dioxide


Which of these substances conducts electricity the best?

1. wood

2. brick

3. copper

4. plastic

What is Copper


Characteristic that a living thing gets from its parents

1. inherited trait

2. learned behavior

3. physical behavior

4. acquired trait

What is a inherited trait


Is Rusting Physical or Chemical change?

What is Chemical


When you use something again you_______matter.

  1. recycle
  2. reuse
  3. reduce
  4. replace

WHat is Reuse


What breaks down dead organisms?

What is decomposers


Electrical lights will not come on unless their electrical circuit is a --

1. parallel circuit

2. open circuit

3. closed circuit

What is a closed circuit


What is an acquired trait?

1. a characteristic that a living thing is born with

2. a characteristic that a living thing gets during its lifetime

3. physical appearance

What is a characteristic that a living thing gets during its lifetime

Is a fruit salad is a solution or mixture

What is a mixture


Which of the following is an example of pollution?

  1. oil spill in the ocean
  2. burning fossil fuels
  3. littering trash on the ground
  4. all of the above

What is 4. all of the above


What part of the cell controls what enters and exits the cell?

What is the cell membrane


What material would be safest to use as an insulator to cover electrical wires?

1. rubber

2. tin

3. aluminum

4. water

What is Rubber


True or False: Learned behaviors and other acquired traits are not passed down from parents to their young.

What is True


Why does iron turn into rust?

It had a chemical change because water and oxygen reacted with the iron


Which phrase best completes the following sentence? The Hawaiian Islands were formed by__________.

  1. folding
  2. volcanoes
  3. glaciers
  4. faulting

What is Volcanons


What is the nuclus

what is  the control center


When something opposes the flow of current it is known as:

1. a resistor

2. an insulator

3. a conductor

What is a insulator


A girl pulls her hand away from flames, plays the violin, laughs, and cries. Which of these is a learned behavior?

What is plays the violin