Accessing Your Health
Psychological Health
Managing Stress

The ever changing process of achieving individual potential in the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and environmental dimensions.

What is health?


Disorders that disrupt thinking, feeling, moods, and behaviors and impair daily functioning. 

What are mental illnesses?


Good stress

What is Eustress?

The 24 hour cycle by which you are accustomed to going to sleep, waking up, and performing habitual behaviors. 
What is circadian rhythm?

An individual's self of peace, purpose, and connection to other people and beliefs about the meaning of life.

What is spirituality?


The expected number of years of full health remaining at a given age. 

What is healthy life expectancy?


The thinking part of psychological health.

What is mental health?


A condition in which a person feels overly pressured by demands.

What is overload?


Insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy.

What are sleep disorders?


Foods with _______ encourage sleepiness.

What is tryptophan?


Behavior change model that emphasizes the role of social factors and thought processes in behavior change.

What is the social-cognitive model?


Anxiety disorder that is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that may consume more than 1 hour of your day or interfere with normal activity. 

What is OCD?


The pattern followed in the physiological response to stress consisting of the alarm, resistance, and exhaustion phase. 

What is the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)?


25% of our sleeping; brain wave activity is similar to wakefulness; dreaming occurs. 

What is REM sleep?


Feeling good about yourself, practicing self-compassion, valuing diversity, and controlling tension and anxiety are examples of this. 

What are characteristics of psychologically healthy people?

Behavior change model that explains how our beliefs influence our behaviors.

What is the health belief model?


The study of the interrelationship between mind and body on the immune system that shows stress over time can affect aspects of cellular immune response. 

What is psychoneuroimmunology?


The physiological response in which the body prepares to  combat or escape a real or perceived threat. 

What is the fight or flight response?


A wide range of practices that can help manage and create a systematic approach leading to normal, quality nighttime sleep and full day time alertness. 

What is sleep hygiene?

This is a physical, social, or psychological event or condition that upsets homeostasis. 

What is a stressor?


Behavior change model that explains why New Year's Resolutions fizzle before Valentine's day and identifies 6 distinct stages people go through in altering behavior patterns.

What is the transactional model?


Diagnostic tool used with mental health disorders that identifies 1 in 5 people in the U.S. suffer from a diagnosed mental health disorder?

What is The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders


Thriving Type A Personalities may experience these 2 personality traits when dealing with stress.

What are psychological hardiness and psychological resilience


A state characterized by cognitive impairment, grogginess, and disorientation that is experienced upon rising from short sleep or an overly long nap.

What is sleep interia?


Your neighborhood/built environment, health and access to health care, social interactions and community, educational attainment, and economic stability.

What are the social determinants of health?