Edelman chapter 1
Edelman chapter 2
Edelman chapter 4&6
Edelman chapter 10
Grodner pages 1-8

What are the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of prevention?

Primary- health promotion and specific protection EX- vaccines and education

Secondary- early diagnosis, prompt treatment, disability limitation  EX- covid testing, mammogram screaning 

Tertiary- restoration and rehabilitation EX- treatments, rehab for someone after having a stroke 


Define culture, race, ethnicity and values

Culture: Beliefs, languages, rules, knowledge, developed by a social group to make life meaningful. 

Race: Social construct used to put people into groups based on their physical and behavioral characteristic, historically associated with power social justice and prejudice.

Ethnicity: Sharing of a culture (language,history,religion,customs,geo graphical orgin and ancestry) 

Values: A belief that is worth something.


What is Reflection and how do you apply it? 

Reflection is selective paraphrasing and repetition. Repeat what your patient has already told you using different words. 

The goal is to emphasize and summarize. 


Define Health Education.

Any combination of learning experiences to help individuals and communities improve their health by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes towards their health.


The body needs sufficient amount of _________, for efficient functioning and maintenance.



Define health 

State of physical mental spiritual and social functioning that realizes a person’s potential and is experienced within a developmental context. Both individual and societal responsibility.  


which ethnic groups with the highest rate of COVID-19 infection? 

Black Americans and Native Americans 


List ways to communicate with clients including open communication. 

1. Be respectful and give confidence

2. Focus on the individual not yourself 

3. Build trust with the client

4. Be nonjudgmental with your client 


What model of change is useful for when a person is making a behavior change.

The Transtheoretical Model of Change.


What can cause hypoglycemia ?

-Skipping meals 

-Engaging in too much exercise without increase in food intake 

-Too much insulin


Name the 7 nursing roles in health promotion and protection 

1.Advocate- helps individuals obtain what they are entitled to receive through the healthcare system 

2. Care manager- prevent duplication of services, maintain quality and safety, and reduce costs

3. Consultant- provide knowledge about health promotion and disease prevention to individuals and groups

4. Deliverer of services- deliver direct services like health education, vaccines, and counseling in health promotion

5. Educator- someone teaching some form of health care, teaching effectively

6.Healer-  helps individuals integrate and balance the various parts of their lives

7. Researcher-evidence-based practice


What are some challenges immigrants and refugees share in common? 

Language barriers, discrimination, racism, different education system, lack of health insurance. 


State what Healthy People 2030 objectives provide a framework for.

Prevention of sickness, lifelong health, health equity, a community, and health. 


Which stage of the transtheoretical model of change is when the individual is making “small and sporadic changes”?

The Planning or Preparation Stage.


What are some signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia? 

-Cool, clammy, pale skin





What is the difference between the Clinical model and the Eudaimonistic model's of health? 

Clinical model-Absence of disease, prevention not emphasized. EX- Only goes to the doctor when sick

Eudaimonistic model-  Encompassing view of health physical, social, physiological & spiritual. Sees the person as a whole. Includes things such as self-awareness, self-actualization, and self-fulfillment


List the groups of vulnerable populations

Ethnic minorities: Asian Americans / Pacific Islanders, African Americans, Native Americans, Arab Americans 




Homeless people 


Describe functional focus when assessing a person.  

An individuals level of performance in the area that you're looking at. 


Why might lower income families have lifestyles that aren’t as healthy as a middle or upper class family?

Lower income families may not be able to afford organic foods, have access to physical exercise facilities, or may not feel safe going outside due to their location. 


What are the six dimensions of health?

Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, and Environmental


List the 5 overarching Healthy People 2030 goals 

1st- Atain healthy, thriving lives and well-being free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death.

2nd- Eliminate health disparities, achieve health equity, and attain health literacy to improve the health and well-being of all.

3rd- Create social, physical, and economic environments that promote attaining the full potential for health and well-being for all.

4th- Promote healthy development, healthy behaviors, and well-being across all life stages.

5th  - Engage leadership, key constituents, and the public across multiple sectors to take action and design policies that improve the health and well-being of all.


Why are Black Americans being negatively impacted at higher rate by COVID-19 compared to others ethnic groups? 

Higher rate of diabetes, heart disease and lung disease. Also having less opportunities to work from home and difficulty maintaining social distance.   


What are Gordons 11 Functional groups? 

1. Health Perception (Health management pattern) 

2. Nutritional- Metabolic Pattern 

3. Elimination Pattern 

4. Activity-Exercise Pattern

5. Sleep-Rest Pattern 

6. Cognitive- Perceptual Pattern 

7. Self-perception & Self-concept Pattern 

8. Roles-Relationship Patterns 

9. Sexually- Reproductive Pattern 

10. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern 

11. Values- Beliefs Pattern 


Name all five stages of the Transtheoretical Model of Change.

1. Pre-contemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Planning or Preparation

4. Action

5. Maintenance

6. Relapse


What is the difference between individual health promotion and community health promotion?

Individual health promotion focuses on teaching individuals on how to take better care of themselves and their families.                                               Example:Getting council from your nurses or doctors

Community focuses on the needs of all citizens within a specific group/area addressing health needs.           Example: Helping people who smoke quit and supporting comprehensive programs.