Ch 1 Psych is a Way of Thinking
Ch. 2 Sources of Information
Ch. 3 Three Claims, Four Validities
Ch. 4 Ethics
Ch. 5 Measurement

Which cycle includes testing and validating theories?

Theory – Data Cycle


The acknowledgment that psychology is a probabilistic science means ______.

There is some allowance of error in all of our results


What kind of design allows for causal claims?



What document is most associated with the development of the three main principles from the APA ethics guidelines?

Belmont Report


____ variables are also referred to as categorical variables.



_____ is the approach of collecting data and using it to develop, support, and/or challenge a theory.



The Biased-Blind spot is the phenomenon in which _____.

People think that they are not biased or exhibit biased behavior


A false positive is also known as...

A type I error


True or false: the principle of beneficence means individuals should be treated as autonomous agents and participation in a study should be done with informed consent from participants


(Respect for persons)


What kind of reliability uses Cronbach’s alpha?

Internal Reliability


_____ research is concerned with the understanding of conceptual processes while _____ research is directed at solving real-world problems.

Basic - applied


Your friend believes that can be “cured” with a positive attitude and exercise. When you ask your friend for evidence to back their claim, they search for “how positive attitudes and exercise cures depression” into Google. This is an example of what kind of bias?

Confirmation Bias


Which of the following refers to how well your conclusions generalize?

External validity


What principle from the APA guidelines (and Belmont report) refers to treating all people fairly?



What kind of measurement scale would be used if a researcher groups participants based on university attended?



What is the difference between a research question and hypothesis

Hypotheses include a direction and prediction


After watching the news about a recent plane crash, your friend becomes concerned about her upcoming flight. Even though, statistically, driving is much more dangerous than plane travel, she is not afraid to drive. Because of all the news coverage of the plane crash, your friend begins to believe planes are very unsafe. Your friend is falling victim to _____.

Availability heuristic


Which are the 3 components necessary to establish causality?

Temporal precedence


Lack of confounds


A researcher is examining the relationship between leadership styles and employee motivation. The researcher conducted a field experiment using a new leadership intervention. Unfortunately, none of the researcher’s hypotheses were supported. After examining the data, the researcher noticed a few participant data points that "ruined" her results. Without any theoretical justification and without disclosure, she decided to exclude these participants’ data from the study. When the researcher reran the analyses, all of the hypotheses were supported. What form of research misconduct is the researcher engaging in?

Data Falsification


A researcher is developing a new measure to assess the level of microaggressions within an organization. First, the researcher must establish that the way in which the researcher defined microaggressions at work is consistent with previous literature examining microaggressions and what microaggressions are generally thought to be. This is called…

Construct Validity