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The branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of behavior in work settings and the application of psychology principles to change work behavior

What is I/O psychology?


Statements about the supposed relationships between or among variables

What are Hypotheses?


The systematic study of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job and the qualities needed to perform it.

What is Job analysis?


Variables about applicants that are related to (predictive of) the criteria.

What are Predictors?


Measures of job performance that are easily                       quantified (also called “hard” criteria)

What are Objective Performance Criteria?


The founder of the school of scientific management, which held that work behavior could be studied by systematically breaking down a job into its components and recording the time needed to perform each

Who is Frederick Taylor?


The stability or consistency of a measurement over time

What is Reliability?


An individual who has detailed knowledge about a particular job

What is a Subject-Matter Expert (SME)?


An accurate presentation made to applicants of the prospective job and organization

What is Realistic job preview (RJP)?


A method of gathering performance appraisals from a worker’s supervisors, subordinates, peers, customers, and other parties

What is 360-Feedback?


Procedures in which work tasks are broken down into simple component movements timed to develop a more efficient method for performing the tasks

What are Time-and-motion studies?


The method of assigning subjects to groups to control for the effects of extraneous variables.

What is Random assignment?


An assessment of the relative value of a job to determine appropriate compensation

What is Job evaluation?


It is an employee selection strategy that requires that an acceptance or rejection decision be made at each of several stages in a screening process.

What is Multiple hurdle model?


The performance appraisal techniques using rating scales with labels reflecting examples of poor, average, and good behavioral incidents.

What are Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)?


The changes in behavior occurring as a function of participants’ knowledge that they are being observed and their expectations concerning their role as research participants

What is the Hawthorne effect?


A technique that allows results from several different research studies to be combined and summarized

What is Meta-analysis?


The U.S. Department of Labor’s Web site that provides comprehensive information about jobs and careers

What is O*NET?


The ability of the items in a measurement instrument to measure adequately the various characteristics needed to perform a job

What is Content validity?


The overall positive evaluation of a worker based on one known positive characteristic or action.

What is Halo Effect?


The strategy of reducing an organization’s workforce to improve organizational efficiency and/or competitiveness.

What is Organizational downsizing?


The extent to which the research results obtained in one setting will apply to another setting

What is External validity?


A job analysis technique that relies on instances of especially successful or unsuccessful job performance

What is Critical incident technique?


They involve a detailed, structured evaluation of job applicants using a variety of instruments and techniques.

What are Assessment Centers?


It refers to the extent to which the means of appraising performance are pertinent to job success

What is Criterion Relevance?