Unequal Childhoods
Other Readings
Sociological Terms

Middle class child-rearing methods are better than working class methods (T/F)


"Both concerted cultivation and the accomplishment of natural growth offer intrinsic benefits (and burdens) for parents and their children. Nevertheless, these practices are accorded different social values by important social institutions" (Lareau 2011; 241).


Understanding yourself and the world around you through history, social structure and biography

Sociological Imagination


A classification of people based on presumed biological differences


The perspective that views society as a collection of competing interests 

Conflict perspective 


The perspective that focuses on cooperative interaction in social life

Consensus Perspective 


The ideology which states that a person can rise above their social-economic class and achieve any goal they have in mind as long as they work hard enough.

The American Dream


An ideology which states that people's life outcomes are solely based on their own merits and privilege does not exist (McIntosh reading)



Difference between race and ethnicity

Race is based on presumed biological differences while ethnicity is based on the cultural aspects of individuals' lives (religion, geography, language, nationality, etc.).


What kind of conflict does Marx primarily focus on?

Class conflict.

Class: A hierarchical system that groups people based on their economic status, with fluidity in class categories and a certain degree of social mobility between class statuses.


Individuals gathered together to watch the Chiefs play in the Super Bowl feel united and have an extraordinary sense of excitement.

Collective effervescence.


Who are the children raised by concerted cultivation? (3)

Garret, Stacey and Melanie


An advantage or entitlement (earned or unearned) used to one's benefit at the disadvantage of others



For what purpose was categorizing by race invented? 

To justify slavery, colonization, genocide, and legitimize supposed superiority of white, Europeans. 


The social class you are born into is fixed and unchangeable (T/F)

False - 

Class is fluid and mobility is both upwardly and downwardly possible 


This concept explains the feelings of normlessness brought on by rapid social change



Two distinctions between Concerted Cultivation and Natural Growth

C.C. = sense of ease and comfortability conversing with adults/authority figures, less free time, more involvement of parental figures in children's activities and academics, children gain sense of entitlement, distrust of authority figures

N.G = more free time, little to no daily structure, gain ability to use imagination and character building, more awareness of racial and economic inequality


Socialization which is gained through a specific occupation or social role

Secondary Socialization


A system of oppression where a dominant social groups holds more social power and therefore subordinates a targeted racial group that holds less power


Systemic Racism: when oppression is tied to or supported by cultural values, norms, institutional structures and the social practices within those institutions 


The class division existing during Feudalism 



Explain the difference(s) between Mechanical and Organic Solidarity 

Mechanical: low division of labor, strong collective conscience

Organic: high division of labor, weakened collective conscience 


How are Bourdieu's theories relevant to Lareau's findings?

Bourdieu's theories describe the mechanisms of social mobility and class reproduction; social location --> socialization --> forms of capital --> institutional interactions (fields) --> social class

Lareau finds that children are socialized differently based on their social class, resulting in different sets of skills/ways of interacting within institutions that are (dis)advantageous economically.


The progression from "Mom is angry with me now" to  "Mom is angry with me whenever I spill my soup" to "One does not spill soup"

Significant Others --> Generalized Other

Acquiring the generalized other = Abstraction from the roles and attitudes of specific significant others to the roles and attitudes of a generalized other.


How is the idea of privilege related to W.E.B. Du Bois' concept of "psychological wages"?

Working class whites with low economic wages received public privileges (better bathrooms, schools, etc.) that made them feel superior to Blacks.


What are the "superstructure" and "base" that Marx talked about? Can you name some example of them?

Marx states that all of society's components can be divided into two locations; The base is the mode of production in a given society. While, everything that is not related to economics and modes of production can be found in which location, such as art, media, government, ideology.


Punishing crime weakens our collective conscience (T/F). Why?

According to Durkheim, punishing crime strengthens our collective conscience by reaffirming the beliefs and sentiments we have in common.